Wednesday, September 6, 2023


We had our first home ecology class for this school year and released, as we have done many times before, a monarch butterfly.  He will fly to Mexico and spend the winter there.

Wir hatten heute unsere erste Naturkundegruppe für das neue Schuljahr und haben dabei einen Monarchfalter freigelassen.  Der fliegt jetzt nach Mexiko und überwintert dort.

The gorge
Die Schlucht

Food (milkweed) for the monarchs
Nahrung (Seidenpflanze) für die Monarchfalter

Conrad is taking the monarch out of the box.
Conrad nimmt den Monarchfalter aus der Kiste.

Mit diesem Aufkleber wird der Flug des Monarchfalters verfolgt.

There he is!
Da ist er!

Hier ist ein Video über die Falter für meine deutschen Leser.

This is not Letchworth, but Mount Kearsarge and Miriam with fellow students.
Das hier ist nicht Letchworth Park, sondern der Kearsarge Berg und Miriam mit Kommilitonen und Kommilitoninnen.


  1. How special and exciting to release the Monarch :) And it's fun seeing Miriam at her school. They seem to have very nice times together!

    1. We have been doing the releasing for several years now. One of "our" butterflies made it to Mexico according to the tag. Yes, Magdalen does foster community and offers meaningful excursions and activities.

  2. Exciting about the Monarch making it to Mexico :) and how good that Magdalen looks after the students so well.

    1. Yes! They do and I think Miriam is getting an excellent education plus some great outings. I wish they were still doing their Rome program. They had to stop it due to Covid and cost.


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