Saturday, September 23, 2023


The girls went to the farmer's market and surprised me with two mums!
Die Mädchen waren beim Bauernmarkt und haben mir zwei Chrysanthemen gekauft!

They also got me this pumpkin.
Und dieser Kürbis stammt auch vom Bauernmarkt.

Flora ran into her old violin teacher.
Flora hat ihre alte Geigenlehrerin da getroffen.

After a long day of chores: sister love!
Nach einem langen Putztag: Schwesternliebe!

Sky tonight
Himmel heute abend

And Peter has been chasing herons in Grand Rapids.
Und Peter ist auf Reiherjagd in Grand Rapids.


  1. The mums and the pumpkin are lovely first day of autumn gifts :) We had a cozy rainy day here. Greg watched a football game with his alma mater - Florida State University, and they won so he was happy. I worked on my knitting and put up a few old blog posts I had neglected, but wanted to include. I also visited the green market and bought the last of the summer squash and corn on the cob! It's late now and I shouldn't stay up so late on the computer! (I know I've written this before to you!)

    1. It was a huge surprise for me! I did not expect to have any mums this year. And the pumpkin is just too cute. Ah, football season! People here are rooting for the Buffalo Bills, but I could not care less :). We still have farm stands selling corn and I have seen quite a few fields with corn that have not been harvested. I got some local pears today. The store also had some funny cherries, called ground cherries. Have you ever had them? We did not buy them because they were so expensive, but they looked neat. Yes, remember your eyes!

  2. Yes, I'm trying to be better with my eyes. Funny, how it's not easy to do! I've never heard of ground cherries either . .

    1. We are very visual and with all the technology cannot do without using our eyes at all! They also had those ground cherries at the agricultural fair. I think they are an heirloom vegetable and Amish also use them a lot.


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