Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Bishop Robert Barron/Bischof Robert Barron

In 2011, Jonathan and I participated in a parish video class watching "Catholicsm" by Father Barron.  The other day, Jonathan got to meet Bishop Barron in person in the Memorial Church in Cambridge.  

2011 habe ich mit Jonathan an einem Videoseminar in unser Pfarrgemeinde teilgenommen.  Gezeigt wurde das Video Katholizismus.  Vor kurzem hat Jonathan Bischof Barron selbst in der Memorial Church in Cambridge bei Boston erleben und kennenlernen können.  


  1. Replies
    1. They seem to be having a very good Catholic student group and also a very good Catholic law group. I am on their mailing list and find their activities very interesting. And I do think Bishop Barron is a great person. I loved Catholicism and am going to watch it again with Veronika this school year. Also, he came out with "The Pivotal Players" and I would like to watch that also.


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