Saturday, August 20, 2022

Another Birthday/Noch ein Geburtstag


She asked for sausages and a special recipe of potatoes and peas.
Sie wollte ein besonderes Rezept mit Kartoffeln und Erbsen und Würstchen zum Mittagessen.

Happy Birthday!
Alles Liebe und Gute zum Geburtstag!


  1. What a beautiful photo . . Happy Birthday Veronika! 17! Happy Birth Day to you too, Eva. Her birthday meal looks delicious. Did you cream the potatoes and peas - heavy cream? Strawberry Shortcake was my mom's favorite cake :)

    1. Thanks so much! She was a full moon child (like Charlotte). The moon was rising when we drove to the hospital. It was beautiful! I cooked the potatoes in chicken broth and white wine. Towards the end, I added peas, sour cream, salt, and horseradish. It is a German recipe the children love. It is very simple. Veronika loves fruit cake :).

  2. Belated birthday blessings as we have been away. Really lovely photos and Veronika is looking very grown up with the shorter hair ❤️ You always manage to make the birthday celebrations really special xx

    1. Thanks so much! Yes, she does look older. She and Miriam got their hair a bit shorter. Veronika will take her first university class tomorrow: Biblical Hebrew! She is now old enough to take certain classes at our university here.

  3. Wow, schon 17 Jahre und so tolle Fotos!! Alles Gute zum Geburtstag!


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