Saturday, February 13, 2021

More Birds/Mehr Vögel

Today, we saw some different birds, like these Mourning Doves  There were actually ten of them!

Heute haben wir ein paar andere Vögel gesehen, z. B. diese Trauertauben.  Wir haben zehn auf einmal gesehen!



  1. I woke this morning to the peaceful cooing of the Mourning Doves.

    1. Really? Ours are very quiet. We never hear them and they are very timid.

    2. They sit on the fire escape, or sometimes right on the windowsill. Pluto can see their shadows through the lace curtain and will get very excited. Hermione used to try to go attack them through the window. Pluto has done that also. Thankfully, the window has never broken! (We had a German Shepherd go through our front window after the mailman when I was growing up! The mailman was so frightened, and our dog had to have stitches and her front legs bandaged like a racehorse. Thankfully, she never tried that again.)

    3. A perfect place to sit. Poor Pluto! The dog must have been very angry with your mailman :). I would have been frightened too! Julius used to get "angry" at birds when they were outside and he inside, but now he does not care anymore. Birds are boring.

  2. Replies
    1. Ja, diese Sorte ist sehr schön und sehr klein, nur so groß wie ein Spatz vielleicht.


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