Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Main Lessons and Coming Lent/Hauptepochen und Beginn der Fastenzeit

Here is some recent main lesson work from the girls.  
Hier sind die neusten Epochenarbeiten der Mädchen.  

Flora copied this stone relief for her work on Ancient Persia.  
Flora hat dieses Steinrelief aus dem alten Persien abgemalt.  

Prayer to Ahura Mazda
Gebet an Ahura Mazda

Veronika and I studied Impressionism: Today she made this Monet water lily.
Veronika und ich haben uns mit dem Impressionismus beschäftigt: Heute hat sie eine Monet Seerose gebastelt. 

Miriam's windmills is almost done.
Miriams Windmühle ist fast fertig.  

Some geometry patterns from Flora
Geometriemuster von Flora

Angles (Flora)
Winkel (Flora)

Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday.  For Catholics, the rules for fast and abstinence need to be followed.  We will make our yearly Lenten calendar and go to church in the afternoon. 

Morgen ist Aschermittwoch.  Katholische Christen müssen sich an diese Fastenregeln halten.  Wir wollen unseren Fastenkalender basteln und am Nachmittag in die Kirche gehen.    


  1. Pip is also studying angles in maths, she had to guess the angle and then check with a protractor after that she had to colour the angles a certain colour, ie blue for acute, red for obtuse and so forth. We made our shrove Tuesday pancakes yesterday and will watch mass online this morning. Our local church is closed but others six-ten miles away are open - we are living in strange times. Sending hugs xx

    1. Ah, then they are doing similar things. We will draw random angles soon and then measure them. So sad you could not go to "real" Mass. Our church was quite full (there are only about 30 people allowed and there were about that many). We don't count because we are music ministry and sit where the organ is. They sprinkled the ashes on the heads of the parishioners to avoid close contact.

  2. Beautiful schoolwork, and Miriam's windmill is looking very good. Church sounds like it was nice :)

    1. Thanks so much! The windmill was a great project. Church was quite nice, many people (well, the maximum number of people we are allowed to have), nice music, and ashes.


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