Friday, February 8, 2019

Busy Cook/Fleißige Köchin

Yesterday, Flora cooked an elaborate meal for her dolls while I was cooking our lunch meal.  When I was little, my grandmother used to have a stool in her kitchen and let me cook there for my dolls.  She always gave me real food to cook with and I will never forget the time when we cooked together in her kitchen. 

Gestern hat Flora ein schickes Essen für ihre Puppen gekocht, während ich unser Mittagessen zubereitet habe.  Als ich klein war, hatte meine Großmutter einen Hocker in ihrer Küche, auf dem ich kochen durfte, wenn sie Mittagessen machte.  Sie hat mir immer echtes Essen zum Kochen gegeben und dieses gemeinsame Kochen werde ich nie vergessen.   

 Charlotte is tasting if it is done.
Charlotte probiert, ob das Essen fertig ist.  

 Not quite
Noch nicht ganz

 Flora knows that it is important to eat lots of vegetables in different colors and so she is cooking them for her "children."
Flora weiß, daß man viel Gemüse mit verschiedenen Farben essen soll, und so bekommen auch ihre "Kinder" leckeres Gemüse.

 Lunch time

 And here we are on the way to an evening party with the students.  It was nice to be walking our old streets in Islington again.
Und hier sind wir auf dem Weg zu einer Party am Abend mit den Studenten.  Es war schön, wieder in unseren alten Straßen in Islington spazieren zu gehen.

We tasted "funny" British food.
Es gab "lustiges" britisches Essen.

A few weeks ago, we visited our "old" health food store/grocer.  The workers and owners were particularly fond of us when we went there shopping several times a week two years ago.  They cried when we left, but now they only had reason to celebrate our coming back.  Unfortunately, they are almost an hour away from our current location in South London.  So only Peter gets to go there more often because the store is closer to the students' classroom.

Vor einigen Wochen haben wir "unseren" Bioladen/Gemüsehändler besucht.  Die Arbeiter und Inhaber mochten uns sehr.  Vor zwei Jahren haben wir dort mehrmals die Woche eingekauft, und unsere Abreise hat Tränen bei einigen der Arbeiter hervorgerufen.  Um so mehr haben sie sich über unsere Rückkehr gefreut!  Leider können wir dort dieses Mal nur selten hingehen, da der Laden ca. eine Stunde entfernt ist.  Nur Peter geht öfters hin, weil das Unterrichtsgebäude der Studenten ganz in der Nähe ist und er fast täglich in die Gegend fährt.  

This is such a pretty store!
Der Laden ist so hübsch!


  1. What a lovely health food store! It reminds me of the one I would visit in San Francisco in the Bernal Heights neighborhood. I love your kitchen memory of cooking with your grandmother, and now you are creating beautiful memories with Flora :)

    1. When Morgana was here, she went with us there. She took a picture of the store :). I have many fond memories of my grandmother and her kitchen. I can still smell her kitchen smells! I do miss this. I hope Flora will remember all her cooking one day.

  2. P.S. So, Saturday comes to an end . . I hope you had a fun day at Samstagsschule in beautiful Richmond!

    1. I was in first grade and Charlotte helped out in second grade. We both had fun. The children had dressed up for "Fasching" because when "Fasching" comes around, they will be on spring break. The little ones looked very cute in their costumes.

  3. I love those stories ❤️ Have sent an email sorry about next week as it is the funeral is now on Monday 18th. Dave is going by train on his own and will be away from the Sunday to Tuesday. Will check the diary and send an alternative date to see if it will work out. Somewhere near Euston looks like the best option xx

    1. I hope the funeral went well. I will look again at Euston and surroundings when I feel normal again.


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