Sunday, October 28, 2018

Almond Overlook/Aussichtspunkt bei Almond

On the way to Hornell, you pass this overlook
Bei diesem Aussichtspunkt kommt man auf der Fahrt nach Hornell vorbei.

This afternoon, we drove to Hornell to pick up Peter and Charlotte who had come back from Allentown, PA.  Charlotte auditioned at Muhlenberg College.  She thinks it went well.  They had complimentary tickets for Brigadoon, which was put on by the Theatre/Dance Department. 

Heute nachmittage sind wir nach Hornell gefahren, um Peter und Charlotte abzuholen.  Charlotte hat bei Muhlenberg College einen Besuchstag mitgemacht und für Ballett eine Aufnahmeprüfung gemacht.  Sie glaubt, die Prüfung hat gut geklappt.  Es gab kostenlose Theaterkarten für Brigadoon, was von dem College (vorwiegend von Theater- und Tanzstudenten) aufgeführt wurde.  


  1. Will Charlotte be studying for a performing arts degree? I hope that she gets in if that is her chosen place. I cannot begin to imagine the work load on your part providing evidence of all her work and lists of classes taken externally. It sounds like one big headache! xx

    1. She is interested in the performing aspect of ballet, but not all colleges call it a performing arts degree. Indiana University gives you a Bachelor of Science! I am not sure she has a favorite place yet and we can only visit one more college. There are few more she wants to apply to, but we won't be able to visit.

      I feel quite overwhelmed right now. My parents just left, the applications are not finished, our cats have fleas and need to go to the vet to get the right medicine, we are leaving for London in January, and there is homeschooling to be done! I am not even mentioning my college German. I think I am only driving from A to B to C, etc. Very American!

    2. Thinking of you dear friend. When you know your London address please email me as I am working on meeting up with you this time for sure!

    3. I do have the address! This time it is south of the Thames. I will forward it to you when I get a chance. Yes, we have to make sure we get to meet this time!

  2. I'm so glad she felt good about the audition. Muhlenberg is a nice school and it looks like a great program :)

    1. The lady who is in charge of the ballet auditions is deaf! She wanted to be a professional dancer, but a round of antibiotics after a car accident left her deaf. Can you imagine? She had to change plans, but is still dancing.

      Muhlenberg is a Lutheran college. Mühlenberg was a German protestant pastor :).

  3. P.S. Did they take the bus or the train?

    1. A rental car! There are no buses or trains from here to there :). They also rented a car to get to Indiana. I will take our car to get to Erie. The others have to survive without a car for a day or two. That is not always so easy because there is no grocery store in walking distance.

  4. I didn't realize you leave for London in January. I thought it was later in the Spring . . or I just forgot. Autumn feels like it's flying by. Summer felt so slow, I think because it was so hot. Morgana has had two friends visiting at different times . . the second friend's visit is almost over . . so it's felt extra busy around here. Good luck with planning things for London . . and for the holiday preparations and homeschooling lessons and German class lessons . . and college applications. Oh povera Eva! Focus on the necessities and maybe let go of some of the small things? I send you a big hug.

    1. We are leaving to teach the spring semester, which starts in January and goes through the end of April.

      We never had a proper autumn, now it is snowing. Is Morgana home again or are you entertaining her friends?

      Thanks for the hug, I do have too many things to do. We also have not found a student who wants to live in our house while we are gone, that is another problem to solve. And Peter is about to travel again . . .


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