Thursday, January 12, 2012


As part of our Ancient Egypt studies, Charlotte is making paper out of strips of the papyrus plant.  We are using a kit for this.  So far she had to soak the pieces of papyrus overnight in water.

Für unsere Ägyptenstudien macht Charlotte im Moment aus Papyrusstreifen Papier.  Wir benutzen dafür eine Bastelpackung, die wir hier gekauft haben.  In Deutschland gibt es so etwa ähnliches, z. B. hier.  Bisher hat Charlotte die Streifen über Nacht eingeweicht und dann am nächsten Tag ausgerollt.  Jetzt müssen sie wieder über Nacht einweichen.  

Then she had to roll them out and soak them again overnight.

She also wrote her names in hieroglyphics.  Later we found out that we probably used the wrong "o" sound, but we couldn't change that anymore.

Sie hat auch ihren Namen mit Hieroglyphen geschrieben.  Wir haben jetzt allerdings herausgefunden, daß man das "o" in ihrem Namen jedoch wohl anders schreibt, aber wir konnten das dann nicht mehr ändern. 

Our history book right now is The Golden Goblet after reading the wonderful Mara, Daughter of the Nile.

 Unser Geschichtsroman ist im Moment Der goldene Kelch, nachdem wir das spannende Buch Tochter des Nils von der gleichen Autorin gelesen haben.

Miriam painted a picture of the sixth day of creation.  Miriam hat ein Wassermalfarbbild zum 6. Schöpfungstag gemalt.  

She is reading Little House in the Big Woods to Veronika right now.  Sie liest im Moment Unsere kleine Farm: Laura im großen Wald Veronika vor.

We are also working on memorizing the beginning of the Old Testament in Hebrew.  Wir versuchen auch den Beginn des Alten Testamentes auf Hebräisch auswendig zu lernen.  

Jonathan got some wood from his ballet friend's dad.  Today he bought a new blade for his saw.  Now he can start on his sword.  We are also working on writing a description about the peasant's year in the Middle Ages.

Jonathan hat von dem Vater seiner Ballettfreundin Holz geschenkt bekommen.  Heute hat er sich ein neues Sägeblatt für seine Säge besorgt.  Jetzt kann er mit seinem Schwert anfangen.  Wir arbeiten auch im Moment an einer Beschreibung des Bauernjahres im Mittelalter.

Our history literature right now is Son of Charlemagne.  Unsere Lektüre ist im Moment ein Buch über Karl den Großen.

Veronika and Flora made food for the birds using pine cones, peanut butter, and bird seed.  Veronika und Flora haben einen Leckerbissen für die Vögel aus Tannenzapfen, Erdnußbutter und Vogelsamen gemacht.   

I baked Double Almond Chocolate Cookies as a treat.  Ich habe Zweifache Mandel Schokoladen Kekse als Belohnung gebacken.


  1. Busy days, you are back in the swing of things. Still sick at this end so we've been concentrating on trying to get better... not easy.

    Benedict and I finished Little house in the big woods as our shared reader/ bedtime story and have almost finished On The Banks of Plum Creek. We'll miss the stories, but we do have Swallows and Amazons as our next book, so it's not all bad.

    Hugs San x

    1. Oh, I'm so sorry that you are still not feeling well! Are you also going to read "Farmer Boy?" That is another one Miriam still needs to read this school year. Charlotte read "Swallows and Amazons" and really liked it. I'm not familiar with it.

      Have a relaxed weekend!

  2. Ich vermute, daß Jonathan sich mit folgender Seite leichter tut:
    Er kann sich hier Vers für Vers anhören und hat zugleich die englische Transkription.

  3. Danke für den Tip! Zu dem oben genannten Video benutzen wir aber auch noch diese Seite hier. Bei Ihrer/Deiner Seite hat man aber alles schön beieinander. Das ist natürlich von Vorteil!

  4. What is the title of the book showing the seasons? That looks really interesting. How tied to the land, weather, and seasons we all used to be. Now we are so disconnected from it.

  5. The book is called Medieval Society. Yes, it's so true. People used to be in sync with the rhythms of nature as still most of the Amish around us are. I wish we could try to live more like them too, but then I wouldn't be typing on this computer I suppose.

  6. Thank you!

    Yes, some things are very nice, like technology!I was reading some where that Germany is on the cutting edge of harnessing energy from nature in private homes now. They are building new homes with the solar panels, wind mills, and thermal underground heat energy. I think any extra energy is being sold off or rerouted to the power company to be used elsewhere - brilliant. I hope we do this soon as well.

  7. hello eva, it's been so warm, we haven't felt inclined to make the pinecone treats for the birds as we usually do. your cookies look delicious. the make me crave a cookie we make from our _around the world cookbook_.

    your children have been doing wonderful work. it's very exciting. i think i'll pick up the papyrus kit. it really looks like fun!

    (and i love miriam's picture. it's beautiful.)

  8. That's true about the energy. My parents' neighbors in Germany have a solar panel roof even though their house is an older house. I do think that America is slowly awakening in this direction, though.

  9. Hello Dorina, I'll send some of our frigid temperatures on the train to you! The papyrus is fun, but also work. Charlotte is still in the soaking and rolling out stage.

  10. it's just fascinating . . even for all that work . . really shows you what they went through. every page is precious.

  11. Yes, you just take paper for granted these days. The Egyptians had to do much more to get a page. It also lasted longer than ours. But it was the same later in history with parchment. We were reading about making books in the Middle Ages. That was also a long process. I will post about this later.


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