Sunday, January 8, 2012

Joy Rosary Musical/Musical der freudenreichen Mysterien des Rosenkranzes

St. Mary of the Angels was our place of choice today.  We spent almost the whole day there (with a few trips to a grocery store to have some lunch and supper).  We arrived for Mass in the morning.

Jonathan, Miriam, and Charlotte sang with the Morning Star prayer group , a children's prayer group to which we belong, for Mass.  Today we celebrated the 10th anniversary of this prayer group! 

Die Kirche "Heilige Maria der Engel" war heute unser Hauptaufenthaltsort.  Wir waren fast den ganzen Tag dort (mit Ausnahme des Mittagessens und Abendessens, für die wir einen nahegelegenen Lebensmittelladen mit Eßecke besucht haben). Wir sind am Morgen zur Sonntagsmesse angekommen. Jonathan, Miriam und Charlotte haben im Chor der Kindergebetsgruppe "Morgenstern", zu welcher wir gehören, gesungen.  Heute war unser 10jähriges Jubiläum dieser Gruppe! 

In the afternoon we first had the rehearsal for the Joy Rosary Musical. I took most of the pictures during the rehearsal and also recorded Jonathan singing (with Charlotte as one of the angels).  The rehearsal was followed by the actual performance, which is not just a performance, but the prayer of the rosary with the joyful mysteries acted out. 

Nachmittags gab es dann erst eine Probe für das Rosenkranzmusical der freudenreichen Geheimnisse.  Während der Probe habe ich die meisten Fotos gemacht und auch Jonathans Solo mit Charlotte als einer der Engel aufgenommen. Nach der Probe wurden die freudenreichen Mysterien dann im Rahmen des Betens des Rosenkranzes aufgeführt.

Main shepherd Jonathan/Oberhirte Jonathan


Angel Charlotte/Engel Charlotte

Mary, Jesus, and Joseph in the temple/Maria, Jesus und Joseph im Tempel

After the musical we had refreshments and crown making for Epiphany for the children.  Nach dem Musical wurde Kaffeetrinken angeboten. Die Kinder konnten eine Krone zum Dreikönigsfest, welches in der katholischen Kirche in Amerika erst heute gefeiert wird, basteln.  



Then a few participants at the World Youth Day in Madrid gave a presentation.  Dann gab es noch einen Vortrag einiger Teilnehmer am Weltjugendtag in Madrid.  

We left after sunset.  The full moon was just rising.  Wir sind erst nach Sonnenuntergang aufgebrochen.  Der Vollmond ging gerade auf.  

What a wonderful end of the Christmas time.  Was für ein schönes Ende der Weihnachtszeit.


  1. it is a beautiful ending to this christmas time! i love your photos of the moon and the church steeple/bell tower. and the singing was so lovely. did jonathan practice a lot at home?

    we also celebrated this evening with our friends. i'm ready now to put away the decorations and return to the normal routine, but i always feel a certain wistfulness . . it's such a special time of year . . many many blessings to you and your family eva.

  2. what a wonderful way to spend your day. I'm having trouble with the computer internal speakers they're temperamental. if I can get them working I'll listen to the video you put together.

    Something in the post is on its journey to you all.

    Love and Blessings San xx

  3. Meant to say your card arrived this lunchtime, thank you so much... it was lovely to read the yearly news letter.

    san x

  4. Hello San, we'll look forward to your mail (post)! I'm glad our card made it to England, you never know if things arrive or not. The video is not perfect (my camera video function is not the best), but it gives you a small impression of Jonathan's singing.

  5. Hello Dorina, thanks for the compliments. Jonathan practiced at home by taping himself and listening to the original music many times. On the way to the musical, we had to listen to verse 2 in the car with him over and over and over again because he wasn't happy with his singing.

    We haven't put away the decorations yet. We'll do it probably next weekend. Peter always puts them away because he is more methodical than I. He doesn't really have time during the week. It is kind of sad to put everything away after you have spent so much time putting everything up! However putting things away also means that now we can try to look for the first signs of spring. I always like that part.

    Blessing to you and your loved ones also.

  6. My connection is finally good enough that I can see all you pictures - how beautiful! We don't have a parish like that near us. You are so fortunate even though I know you miss having things close by. New York and much of the N.E. is so much more Catholic than the South. That really was a wonderful end to the season! Thanks for sharing.

  7. You are very welcome, Alexandra. It is very Catholic around us here, although the numbers of active Catholics are also shrinking and churches are being closed or merged with other ones. Our village is Wesleyan -- you are the odd one out here. There are many beautiful Catholic churches in the area, though, mostly from Polish, Irish, and Italian settlers. I always thought your area had also a good number of Catholics, but I guess it's already too southern. Isn't Seton in your area, though, or is that more to the north?

  8. We live near the North Carolina border. It is very Baptist here. Most Catholics here are retired and active military, Filipinos, or Latinos. We have a small parish which is made of mostly retired people who support the social aspect of their age group. There is little to no groups or activities for young people. These groups are served by our one Catholic school, not so much by the parish, which means homeschoolers are on their own.

    There is no interest in forming any groups here. We have one Catholic homeschool group which never really got off the ground. It's been going off and on for years, with only sporadic interest....too many people coming and going(military or business transfers).

    People in Virginia joke that Northern Virginia is not really a part of Virginia. It is quite different culturally, and there are many Catholics around the beltway(DC/MD/VA - DC metro area.). Seton is in this area, in Manassas(I think), which is part of that DC metro area.

  9. hi eva, jonathan worked so diligently! that's wonderful.

    morgana always helps me get everything put away. greg is always too busy with work, and then too tired when he gets home. after all is away, i'm ready for more winter! but this winter seems to be very warm . . i did put up our valentine mobile . . i usually like to start looking for signs of spring in february :)

  10. Now I understand better. We lived in NC (Durham) for a year, but there were many Catholics there. I guess each area in a state is different. That's sad that there are no real support groups and Catholic churches in your area. That makes it difficult. Are there no secular groups you could join for homeschooling? We belong to a Christian NY group, to a secular nature group, and to a Catholic group. Among those three there is always something to choose from. We also do things with the "local" Waldorf school or the college my husband teaches at. The only drawback here is the long distances.

  11. Hello Dorina, so Morgana is the organized one! It would drive Peter crazy if somebody helped him with putting those things away. He always complains about the way I put the cups in our cupboard. I'm an orderly person, but I don't have a systematic way of arranging the cups in the cupboard. There are two shelves where the cups go and that's where I put them, but Peter likes to arrange them in a certain way -- I don't :).

    There are no signs of spring here. It's so COLD! The children still play outside for hours, they don't mind the cold (except Flora of course).

  12. We join regular activities within the community. They have some good community centers here and many museums, etc. Sometimes it feels as if the children go to a private school because we mix with the regular schooled children.

    Durham is very different with all those highly educated folks. We are in an area which is not quite as intellectually charged....very different interests. We have learned to be very independent and pursue our interests by ourselves...or maybe we are just like that to begin with!Lol...everyone in the house is an introvert. It has spawned a good deal of creativity.


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