Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Passport Trip/Paßausflug

Yesterday, we went on a long trip to apply for a German passport for Miriam.  She used to have a children's one, but that has long expired.  When we woke up. we saw deer in our neighbors' yard.

Gestern haben wir einen langen Ausflug gemacht, um einen neuen deutschen Paß für Miriam zu beantragen.  Ihr alter Kinderausweis gilt schon lange nicht mehr.  Als wir aufgewacht sind, haben wir diese Rehe im Garten der Nachbarn gesehen.

And here are some pictures of our gardening efforts: peas and herbs.
Hier sind Fotos von unseren Gärtnereiversuchen: Erbsen und Kräuter.


Our roses
Unsere Rosen

My flowers
Meine Blumen

Off we go!
Auf geht's!

First we had to drive to an auto body shop to get our car back.  About a month ago, when Charlotte drove to the Buffalo airport, she scraped a huge pick-up in the airport's parking lot.  There was damage to the pick-up and our car.  We got a rental car and the body shop fixed our car.  Now it looks like new.

Erst mußten wir zu einer Autowerkstatt fahren, um unser Auto abzuholen.  Vor einem Monat ist Charlotte zum Flughafen gefahren und hat beim Parken in der Parkgarage dort einen Pick-up Laster ein wenig gerammt.  Der Pick-up Laster und unser Auto waren zerschrammt und mußten ausgebeult und neu lackiert werden.  Also hatten wir letzte Woche einen Mietwagen, während unser Auto in der Werkstatt war.  Jetzt haben wir es wieder und es sieht wie neu aus.

View from the body shop
Blick von der Autowerkstatt aus

Another view
Noch eine Aussicht

Veronika took the wheel for the first stretch to get some more practice.
Veronika ist dann ein Stück gefahren, um mehr zu üben.

She drove us all the way to the dry cleaner's where we picked up our winter coats.
Sie hat uns bis zur Reinigung gefahren, wo wir unsere Winterjacken abgeholt haben.

Peter took over after that.
Dann ist Peter gefahren.

Close to the Buffalo Airport
In der Nähe des Flughafens in Buffalo

Next stop was a shoe store because Flora needed new sandals.
Wir haben bei einem Schuhladen angehalten, weil Flora neue Sandalen brauchte.

She thought that these would be perfect!
Diese Schuhe fand sie perfekt!

Lunch at Wegmans (We always buy warm-up meals and use their microwaves to heat them up.  After Covid, they closed their wonderful hot bars, but you can still sit there and eat warm-up meals; much cheaper than going to a eatery.)

Mittagessen bei Wegmans (Wir kaufen immer Tiefkühlgerichte und wärmen sie dort im Mikrowellenherd auf.  Früher konnte man warmes Essen nach Gewicht einkaufen, aber nach Covid ist das alles abgeschafft worden.  Man kann aber immer noch nett da sitzen und essen und es ist viel billiger als in einem Gasthaus.)

Another plane
Noch ein Flugzeug


Barnes and Noble

On to downtown Buffalo
Weiter in die Innenstadt von Buffalo

At the German honorary consulate
Beim Honorarkonsul

It took about an hour to go through the application process.  Now the paperwork is on its way to NYC and from there it will go to Berlin!  The honorary consul is an alumni of St. Vincent's and is just a wonderful person to talk to.  We have seen him on several occasions and he is a pleasure to work with.

Der Antrag hat ca. eine Stunde gedauert.  Jetzt ist alles nach New York City unterwegs und von da an geht es weiter nach Berlin!  Der Honorarkonsul ist ein sehr netter Mann und hat, wie Jonathan, bei St. Vincent's College studiert.  Wir waren schon öfter hier und es ist immer eine Freude, sich auszutauschen und mit ihm zu arbeiten.

We drove on Elm Street, where Charlotte lived when she did Neglia.  
Wir sind auf der Straße gefahren, an der Charlotte gewohnt hat, als sie bei Neglia einen Sommerballettintensivkurs gemacht hat.

Coffee at Spot
Kaffeetrinken in diesem Café

We went for a walk and found lots of neat stones on the sidewalk.
Wir sind spazieren gegangen und haben viele schicke Steine auf dem Gehweg gefunden.

Talking Leaves Books is wonderful!
Dieser Buchladen ist ganz toll!

Charlotte's "house," when she danced at Neglia.
Charlottes Bleibe, als sie getanzt hat.

Driving back

City hall

Lake Erie in the distance
Eriesee ganz in der Ferne

On the way home, there were many clouds.
Auf der Rückfahrt gab es dunkle Wolken.

It had just rained.
Es hatte gerade gewittert.

Charlotte had set the table for supper (she had to work that day).
Charlotte hatte den Abendbrottisch gedeckt (sie mußte zu Hause arbeiten).

And today, it is unbearably hot, 92 degrees.
Und heute ist es sehr heiß, 34 Grad.


  1. What a lovely day in Buffalo! The coffee shop and bookstore look especially inviting, and so nice to meet with a friendly face at the consulate! You also saw a cute little fawn in the morning, and your vegetables are growing well. Glad the car is better, and Flora's choice of shoes were very fancy! It must have felt so good to come home to a beautifully prepared table. Morgan would always enjoy setting the table and preparing a meal :)

    1. Spot is a chain around here and pretty good :). The bookstore is wonderful; we like to go there when we have to do things in Buffalo. The consul is a very nice person. We also go to meet his daughter, who is interning at his office. The fawn must live very close by. Charlotte said that its mother has an injured shoulder, but it seems to be an old injury because Charlotte has seen her before (without a fawn). Flora did not get those shoes. We bought sensible brown sandals. But she had fun trying them on. We were lucky that most of the cost for our car and the pick-up was covered by the insurance. We were very glad that Charlotte had set the table (we were hungry and tired, it had been a hot day). Yes, I can see Morgana doing that :).

    2. Yes, I miss having her help out with meals :) And the brown sandals will be much more comfortable. Good that the insurance covered so much with the car . . ! and it's nice to see the fawn family periodically . .

    3. Ha, ha, yes, those crazy heels would not have worked for long walks. I never thought the insurance would pay our costs and the other guy's costs, but they did! Have you seen your fawn again?

    4. No, no fawn yet. (amazing about the insurance).

    5. Too bad! Yes, I was very surprised about what they covered! I wish our health insurance was equally good, but it is not at all.

  2. Such a busy day! I guess Miriam has chosen to finish her studies oversees? I’m now off to catch up with your other posts 🙂

    1. Yes, we did a lot that day! Yes, she will go to Austria in October to finish her studies.

    2. Weighing in here as I see Miriam has made a decision! Austria sounds like a good choice to me . . at least it appeals to me more than Texas . . but perhaps you may have preferred having her closer?

    3. Yes, Denver would have been kind of far and we have never visited the university. Miriam was drawn to it because one of her Magdalen professors has gone there. When Jonathan was looking at colleges, he was also interested in the University of Dallas, but we never went to visit because it was so far. Our neighbor's daughter went there and loved it. She is still in Denver, I believe. Anyway, I think Miriam will be happy in Austria. She is hoping to see us in London when she is there, probably for Easter :). It would be also easy for her to see all her German relatives and practice her German (but the college teaches in English).

    4. I think it sounds wonderful, and to be able to see her German relatives will be really nice. Plus, Vienna is such a beautiful city!

    5. Yes, she is only half an hour from Vienna. I am sure, she won't be able to go there during the week, but weekends might work.

    6. And she has been to Vienna when we spend a Mayterm there with students.

    7. I meant to type "spent," not "spend" :).

  3. It all sounds very exciting and I’m sure she will enjoy every moment of her time there xx

    1. I think she will. She loves new cultures and countries.


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