Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Nets and Volume/Netze und Volumen

Flora was learning about nets and volume today.  We love these panels from RighStart Math!
Flora hat heute etwas über Netze von Körpern und Volumen gelernt.  Diese Pappkarten von RightStart Math sind ideal dafür!

Veronika and I are going through Constitutional Literacy right now.  It is quite interesting.
Veronika und ich sehen eine Serie über die amerikanische Verfassung.  Sie ist recht interessant.


  1. Sounds like a very interesting series Eva, with a very dramatic trailer! :)

    1. It is interesting, but unfortunately, we do not have the book that goes with it. The book is out of print, but I think it would be very helpful to have.

    2. I think there are twenty five episodes? Have you been watching all of them?

    3. No, we only watched 15 and will switch to a different series now. We got these videos for free and we had never used them. Without the book, they are a bit hard to follow, but at the same time, you realize how difficult interpretation of the constitution and laws are in general. Michael Farris has done a lot for HSLDA. He is a very interesting person. I am glad we watched them and maybe I can track down a cheap copy of the book. Apologia used to publish it.

    4. Yes, he has done a lot . . and this series is good to know about. It can all become so complicated!


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