Wednesday, June 5, 2024


It is this time of year: We are doing our standardized tests for NYS this week.  Veronika has finished hers and Flora did all her English tests.  She has her math tests left and we will do those tomorrow before sending the tests away to have them graded.  Once the results are back, I can send them to the local school with our last report card of the year.

Zum Schuljahrsende machen Veronika und Flora gerade die Normteste für New York.  Veronika hat ihre Tests schon fertig, bei Flora fehlen noch die Matheteile.  Die macht sie morgen und dann kann ich die Tests wegschicken, damit sie ausgewertet werden.  Die Ergebnisse muß ich dann mit dem Abschlußzeugnis an die Schulbehörde schicken.

Flora took care of Hadley today.
Flora hat sich heute um Hadley gekümmert.

Flora, Hadley, Charlotte

She also took a picture of our lunch.
Sie hat auch unser Mittagessen fotografiert.

Peter and I went to a book signing of a colleague's book here at the local Wesleyan church (it is a religious book) last night.

Peter und ich waren gestern abend bei einem Buchabend, wo ein Kollege vom College sein Buch vorgestellt hat.  Das Ganze fand in der wesleyanischen Kirche statt, weil es ein religiöses Buch ist.

We also had some contractors here to look at our driveway because it needs to be redone.

Dann war ein Handwerker hier, der sich die Einfahrt angesehen hat, weil sie neu gemacht werden muß.

The oven is also not working quite right, so we had another person come out for that.

Der Backofen ist auch nicht ganz in Ordnung und auch dafür war ein Handwerker hier.

And tonight we went to church because today is the feast day of St. Boniface, the apostle of the Germans.

Und heute abend waren wir in der Kirche, um den heiligen Bonifatius, den Apostel der Deutschen zu feiern!


  1. Oh, I hope your oven is alright! Your lunch looks yummy and Hadley has a very nice porch on which to relax, especially on a warm spring day. (Good luck to Flora with her math tests.)

    1. No, it needs two new igniters: One for the oven and one for the broiler. They are very expensive! Hadley has a good life, yes! Flora finished the tests and I mailed everything off today!

    2. Oh yay! It must feel good to have all tests mailed off :) Good luck with the igniters!

    3. Yes, another school year almost finished! We have not heard back from the technician. He had to find out where to order them first. But they are expensive!

    4. Ugh. I'm sorry . . that's so annoying. Isn't this a new stove/oven? Relatively new?

    5. We got it in 2020. The technician said that most ovens are not made to be used daily, and we use it almost daily. They simply don't last very long. We will get the new parts tomorrow.

    6. Not made to use daily?! Oh my gosh, I have to laugh at that. It just seems so silly. Foolish. Crazy! It's an oven! It should be sturdy and made to last for a very long time! They just want to make money and have people buy parts . . oh, I can get too cynical . . Hope all goes well with putting the new parts in Eva. xoxo

    7. Apparently . . . Many people have a stove/oven in their kitchen (we were told), but never use it! Maybe that is why they are so bad now? The new parts are in, but I have not turned on the oven yet (the technician did and it worked).

    8. It worked when I used the oven today. It got hot so much faster! I have not tested the broiler!

    9. Yay! Fingers crossed for the broiler :)

  2. Bad news about the oven and for sure the various components should last longer than a few years! Well done to Flora with her tests and her camping trip looked fun 🙂. Jonathan’s scooter looks good too, it must make getting out and about a breeze xx

    1. The oven is fixed and they did find us a good price on the parts (igniters). I agree, ovens should not break down so often! And this is not the cheapest stove/oven out there. Flora had a good time and Jonathan is proud of his new "vehicle." He loves using it in New York City. By the way, did my birthday package arrive????

    2. Your brilliant birthday package arrived today! Thank you so much - a totally ingenious idea and much appreciated xxxx

    3. Perfect! Now you can try it out :).


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