Wednesday, June 12, 2024


About two weeks ago, Peter and Flora had a little outing.  This was a birthday wish from Flora.  They drove to Pittsford.

Vor ca. zwei Wochen haben Peter und Flora einen Ausflug nach Pittsford gemacht.  Flora hatte sich das zum Geburtstag gewünscht.

Phoenix Hotel for the travelers on the Erie Canal.
Dieses Hotel war für die Reisenden, die auf dem Eriekanal gefahren sind.

Local museum

Town hall

Erie Canal

Grain elevator

Coal tower
Turm für Kohle


They stopped at this bookstore.
Sie waren bei diesem Buchladen.

Simply Crêpes

Pittsford is very pretty and they had a good time.  Today, we continued with our lessons and Flora had art in the afternoon.  Charlotte had to be at her tutoring job at 6:30 a. m. today, but she came home for lunch, which was nice.  She had the afternoon off.

Pittsford ist sehr hübsch und die beiden hatten einen schönen Tag.  Heute haben wir weiter gelernt.  Flora hatte am Nachmittag Kunstunterricht.  Charlotte mußte heute morgen schon sehr früh bei ihrer Familie sein, wo sie im Moment arbeitet: 6.30 Uhr.  Aber dafür war sie dann schon zum Mittagessen zu Hause und mußte nicht am Nachmittag arbeiten.


  1. How lovely that Flora got to spend a special time with her Dad 🩷. I don’t envy Charlotte having a 6:30 start for her tutoring but at least she finished at lunch time xxx

    1. Yes, all our children did outings like that. Charlotte thought it was a bit early, but she managed. It was nice to have her home for lunch, our main meal. Normally I have to save her food and she eats it a night.

  2. Hello Eva, this is such a pretty section of the Erie Canal . . so nice to see and what a wonderful way to celebrate with Dad :) It gives me possible ideas for my birthday . . maybe an outing to a historic house? Their lunch looks delicious and bookstores are always a fun and homey place.

    1. Yes, Pittsford is very old and very pretty and the Erie Canal is still there. Not all parts of it are still there. A historic house sounds like fun! You could visit the Wyckoff House/Museum in Brooklyn. Have you ever been there? Or there is a wonderful exhibition about Paula Modersohn-Becker in the Neue Galerie. She is from Worpswede, which is very close to Breddorf where some of your family is from. The lunch was very good and it is nice there are still some independent bookstores.

    2. !! Thanks so much for suggesting the Paula Modersohn-Becker exhibit at the Neue Galerie. It sounds wonderful. I'll let you know if I go :)

    3. You are welcome! I wrote research papers on her for a high school art class and a grad school art class.

    4. Oh, that's wonderful. She is like an old friend then :)

    5. Sort of! And we have been to the places she and her husband worked and lived at in Worpswede. She was a good friend of Rainer Maria Rilke and also studied in Paris. Unfortunately, she died very young.


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