Sunday, August 13, 2023

Sunday Soup/Sonntagssuppe

Kale from our garden
Grünkohl aus dem eigenen Garten

I normally cook big pot of soup each Sunday morning.  Mass is at 11:30 a.m. and when we come home, the soup is waiting for us.  It is also a great way, to use up all leftovers I find in the fridge.

Normalerweise koche ich einen großen Topf Suppe am Sonntagmorgen.  Messe ist erst um 11.30 Uhr, und wenn wir dann nach Hause kommen, wartet die Suppe auf uns.  So kann ich auch gut Reste aufbrauchen.

And in the afternoon, we ate Charlotte's fruit cobbler with ice cream.
Das hier war unser Kaffeetrinken, das Charlotte gebacken hat: Eine Art Obstauflauf.


  1. That is such a good idea to make the soup in the morning with all the leftover veggies . . I haven't been motivated lately because it has been warm (always extra warm in the kitchen), but tonight is much cooler! Charlotte's cobbler and ice cream looks delicious. (What do you use for your soup base?)

    1. Yes, it is quite warm in the kitchen here also, but when you have six hungry people to feed, you simply have to do it. I always sauté an onion in 1 tbs. olive oil and 1 tbs. butter. Then I add 2 tbs. of cooking wine. After that, I add the root vegetables and then either chicken broth or Edward and Sons bouillon cubes to get 7 cups of liquid and some Herbes de Provence. I let it cook until it is all done (in case of leftover veggies, I just let it come to a boil), add the softer/leafier vegetables, and let simmer until all is done. Then I add a pinch of sugar, some salt, and 4 tbs. of cream. Sometimes a I add a bit of Worcestershire Sauce.


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