Saturday, August 21, 2021

Fiddlers' Fair/Fiedelfest

We made it to the Fiddlers' Fair today!  We were not so sure about the weather, but after a few showers early, it stayed dry during our time at the fair.  Also, our car made really strange rattling noises and we stopped at an auto repair shop on the way, but the guy there did not see anything obviously wrong.  So we continued and got to the fair.  Here are a few pictures and videos.  

Wir haben es geschafft zum Fiedelfest zu gelangen.  Anfangs war das Wetter nicht so gut, aber dann hat der Regen doch aufgehört und es war fast die ganze Zeit trocken.  Das Auto hat zwischendurch sehr eigenartige rasselnde Geräusche gemacht, so daß wir bei einer Reparaturwerkstatt angehalten haben, doch konnte der Mechaniker dort so schnell nichts finden.  Also ging es weiter zu den Fiedeln.  Hier sind einige Fotos und Videos.

Violin maker

One of the singers was selling this interesting book about folks songs from the Great Lakes.
Einer der Sänger hat diese interessante Buch über Lieder von den Großen Seen veröffentlicht.

When we drove home again, the car kept making this strange noise, so I guess we have to have somebody take a look at it.

Als wir nach Hause gefahren sind, hat das Auto wieder komische Geräusche gemacht, also muß es wohl in die Werkstatt.


  1. Die Lieder hab ich gehört auf Miriams Instagram das hört sich immer so schön an ich mag diese Musik sehr gerne!

    1. Sie haben sehr schöne Musik gemacht und oft ohne Noten, das finde ich immer erstaunlich. An vielen Stellen hatten sich auch einfach Leute zusammengefunden und spontan gespielt. Alle Geigenspieler durften kostenlos am Fest teilnehmen.

    2. Meine Eltern haben solche Musik früher oft gehört, damals noch auf Schallplatten. Das hat mich absolut daran erinnert!

    3. Ich bin als Studentin gerne zu irischen Kneipenabenden gegangen :). Mein Vater mochte die Dubliners gerne. Ich habe ihm sogar mal eine Konzertkarte dafür geschenkt.

  2. What a wonderful fair! I love hearing the fiddles :) The last photo is really pretty, and the book does look interesting. It's great you were able to make it there and I hope all is alright with the car.

    1. They had some pretty impressive players. The book has not only the music, but also picture book and teaching suggestions and there is a CD! It is very interesting. I love driving through Western New York, it looks so tranquil and pretty. Yes, I posted about the car, a bolt on the brakes had not been fastened tight enough and had fallen off. They fixed it without charging us.

    2. I'm glad the car was an easy fix and that nothing went really wrong with the bolt missing.

      Upstate New York is very beautiful and tranquil. My parents loved taking me to the Cooperstown area and Gilbert Lake. We also once visited a small mom and pop dairy farm and stayed for a few days: Mr. and Mrs. Isle. Their son was grown and it was just the two of them. I remember loving the meals she fixed! The milk was so fresh, the strawberries and rhubarb she made was delicious, and there were lots of feral kittens running around outside. My mom exchanged Christmas cards with her for years. I also remember the air feeling heavy with rain and grass and soil . . a wonderful country aroma.

    3. Yes, we were very relieved! We just got new tires and had to have the brakes replaced . . .

      Your trip to that farm sounds like a scene from a children's book! Isn't it interesting that often smells and tastes and sights are things we remember best?


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