Monday, August 28, 2017

Our Lady of Lourdes/Unsere Liebe Frau in Lourdes

Seton Hill

Jonathan sent me this picture today from Seton Hill University.  He is taking ballet with them.  It used to be a women's school and Saint Vincent used to be an all men's school.  Students from St. Vincent can take a few classes at Seton Hill and vice versa.

When Jonathan was little, I used to take him to the grotto on the Notre Dame campus and we always lit a candle for Mary.  We still do when we go to Indiana to visit family and happen to stop there on the way.  

Jonathan hat mir heute dieses Foto vom Gelände der Seton Hill Uni geschickt.  Er macht dort Ballett.  Es war früher eine Uni nur für Frauen und St. Vincent war ein College nur für Männer.  Jetzt können Studenten von St. Vincent auch bei Seton Hill ein paar Kurse belegen und umgekehrt auch.  

Als Jonathan klein war, habe ich mit ihm immer die Grotte von Lourdes bei der Uni von Notre Dame besucht und eine Kerze angezündet.  Auch jetzt noch, wenn wir in Indiana Familie besuchen, halten wir dort oft an und zünden eine Kerze an.  

Notre Dame


  1. What a lovely way to start the week :) xoxo

    1. Yes, and kind of nice for him. He said the campus of Seton Hill is very pretty.

    2. He must drive there? Is the car doing alright?

    3. Yes, there is a bus, but it has a very inconvenient schedule. It also takes forever. By car it only takes him ten minutes. When he put his schedule together the registrar called him personally to discuss the distance issue between the two college with him. She thought he could only manage taking the ballet classes, if he had a car.

      The car place fixed a rusted ground wire to the brake switch and now the "Check engine" light is off. I think the car is running fine now. He does not use it much, just for ballet. Yesterday, he thought he had run over a turtle, which really distressed him. He WALKED back to where he thought the turtle was in order to see if it was okay. SVC has a nature preserve and the turtle was right on the road that leads by it. He could not find it anymore and thinks it must have been unharmed. He was very relieved.

    4. We have friends who drive up to Vermont along the Taconic Parkway. Several times they have stopped to move turtles that were crossing the road. They always move them in the direction the turtles are heading. Thankfully, the Taconic Parkway is not too busy, and so this is not an impossible task. With the nature preserve right there, maybe they should put up "turtle crossing" signs! Your new pic of Jonathan on the blog is very nice :)

    5. I remember a lot of turtles form southern Missouri. Maybe I should suggest your idea of a sign to Jonathan. I guess turtles are more common in the south, but PA is not so much more southern than we are.

      I love that photo! It looks like my son. I am not so crazy about some of the "fancy" hair styles he has been trying and I have told him so, but in that picture he has not styled his hair and looks more like himself. I think it shows his beautiful soul and his emotions, things he often tries to hide.


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