Sunday, August 20, 2017


Happy Birthday to my summer girl!
Herzlichen Glüchwunsch meinem Sommermädchen!

 Morning play before church
Spiel am Morgen vor der Kirche

 Veronika baked her own cake and Miriam decorated it.
Veronika hat ihren eigenen Kuchen gebacken, und Miriam hat ihn dekoriert.  

 12 candles
12 Kerzen


 Hoch soll sie leben!

 A book from Grandma and Grandpa
Ein Buch von den amerikanischen Großeltern


 A book on architecture from her German great-aunt
Ein Buch über Architektur von ihrer deutschen Großtante

Flora drew this bird for Veronika.
Flora hat diesen Vogel für Veronika gemalt.  

 Blowing out candles
Kerzen ausblasen

In the evening, we finally managed to have our St. John's fire, "just" two months after the real date.
Am Abend haben wir es endlich geschafft, unser Johannifeuer zu machen, wir waren nur fast zwei Monate zu spät.

 Sawing the branches of our Christmas tree
Der Weihnachtsbaum wird zersägt.

Setting up the food
Aufstellen des Essens 

 Special dessert with lingonberries
Besonderer Nachtisch mit Preiselbeeren

The wood was not quite dry, so the fire was only small.
Das Holz war nicht ganz trocken und daher war das Feuer nur klein.


  1. Happy dear Veronika! And Happy Birthday Eva! It's nice to have a summer baby, isn't it? I loved having my birthday in the summer when growing up :) It looks like a lovely day and the St. John's Fire celebration looks like a lot of fun. It was the perfect celebration day :)

    1. Thanks so much! I was so relieved when that pregnancy was over. 2005 was a very hot summer. I spent the last months of that pregnancy in our small wading pool trying to find relief.

    2. Thank goodness for small wading pools! I remember doing that when the girls were little . . and when I was pregnant with Chanda :)

    3. That is funny, that you did the same when being pregnant with Chanda.

  2. Looks like you had a really lovely birthday ❤️ Many blessings to you for the forthcoming year and birth-day blessings to your sweet mama xx

  3. Happy happy birthday auch von mir! :*

  4. We have the same bamboo cutting board and the same small table that Charlotte is placing on the lawn :) What kind of biscuits or cookies? And what is the special dessert with lingonberries? It looks very good :)

    Please tell Jonathan we wish him much joy with his studies at college :) Good luck with the move to campus!

    1. That is funny! The table is from Ikea and we have had it for ages. Those are onion-cheddar buiscuits. The children always request them for our fire. That dessert is a mix of mascarpone, yogurt, cream, sugar, lemon juice, and lingonberries. They all loved it.

      I just told Jonathan and he says thank you.

  5. Happy Birthday Veronika. Du strahlst so schön, ein wundervoller Tag, dein 12. Geburtstag. Herzlichen Glückwunsch von uns allen.


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