Wednesday, June 1, 2016

A Little Bit of Science/Ein wenig Naturwissenschaften

 Our metamorphosis mobiles: egg, caterpillar, leaf, pupa, butterfly
Unsere Metamorphose Mobiles: Ei, Raupe, Blatt, Puppe, Schmetterling

 Refraction in water
Brechung im Wasser

 A magnifying glass makes paper burn.
Eine Lupe verursacht Feuer.

 Prism and colors
Prisma und Farben

 Centripetal force

 Making a telescope
Herstellung eines Teleskopes


Now what are they doing here?  To be honest, I do not remember, but it was an experiment from the physical science textbook.  I think it was something about gravity.  
Was sie hier tun, weiß ich leider nicht mehr.  Es war aber ein Experiment aus dem Physikbuch.   Ich glaube, es hatte mit der Schwerkraft zu tun.   


  1. Das sind schöne Experimente. Hat das Ballexperiment funktioniert?

    1. Sie haben es dann nochmals vorne vor dem Haus gemacht und da ging es besser. Ob sie 100% zufrieden waren, muß ich sie noch fragen.

  2. I always loved it when they would do things and I had no clue really as to what it was all about (as I was doing necessary adult things in my adult world) . . but they were very clear and obviously learning and creating . . so nice!! I love the mobile and all the fun science projects and experiments :)

    1. Thanks, Dorina. I sometimes feel that way about my German students when they discuss things I have not even heard of!

  3. Oooh das Mobile ist ja sooo hübsch!


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