Thursday, April 21, 2016

Skunk Cabbage and More/Frühlingsgewächse

Looking for skunk cabbage is always a lot of fun around here in the spring.  Yesterday I set out with Veronika and Miriam to do so.  I love the fresh green color.

Im Frühling suchen wir immer gern den amerikanischen "Stinkkohl" oder auch "Stinktierkohl".  Gestern bin ich mit Veronika und Miriam losgezogen, um ihn zu finden.  Er leuchtet immer herrlich grün.  

 The purple part on the left is the flower.
Das lilafarbige Gebilde links ist die Blüte. 

 And here it is on the right.
Und hier rechts

 Drawing skunk cabbage
Malen des Kohles

We then ventured to a different wooded area and found some more.
Dann haben wir noch in einem anderen Waldstück welchen gefunden.

We also found the first violets and more daisies.
Es gab auch die ersten Veilchen und noch mehr Gänseblümchen.

We picked up Flora at the ballet studio and she simply had to pick some daisies.

Wir haben Flora beim Ballettstudio abgeholt und sie mußte unbedingt einige Gänseblümchen pflücken.

And the Eastern Redbud is almost blooming. 
Und der kanadische Judasbaum blüht auch fast.

Some other science projects we have been working on:
Und noch ein paar naturkundliche Themen, an denen wir arbeiten:

 Making a metamorphosis mobile: caterpillar to butterfly
Wir stellen ein Mobile der Metamorphose her: von der Raupe zum Schmetterling.

Experiment to show Newton's Third Law of Motion.  The cork flew very far!
Experiment, um das dritte newtonische Gesetz zu zeigen.  Der Korken ist sehr weit geflogen!

Jonathan and Flora are looking for a spot where they can draw and describe what they see and hear in nature.  That as an assignment from Jonathan's biology book.  He had to do this for an hour.

Jonathan und Flora suchen sich einen geeigneten Platz, wo sie die Natur für eine Stunde beobachten können.  Jonathan mußte aufschreiben und malen, was er sieht und hört.  Das war eine Aufgabe aus seinem Biologiebuch.

Miriam is doing physics right now.  We have been looking at shadows and darkness vs. light.  More about that later.

Miriam macht im Moment Physik.  Wir beschäftigen uns mit Schatten, Licht und Dunkelheit, doch dazu später mehr.  


  1. What a lovely skunk cabbage walk :) The daisies are very pretty and I liked the sound effects for Newton's Third Law of Motion :) The mobile looks very sweet. Will you post a pic of the finished product? How many different birds did Jonathan hear within his hour? Our redbuds are bursting!

    1. Thanks so much. The experiment was a bit slow at the beginning, but once pressure had built up, the cork really flew far. We will continue working on the mobiles next Tuesday. I will post pictures when they are finished. Each girl is doing her own version.

      I have to ask Jonathan what he saw and heard. I only watched them finding a good spot, then I had to leave for campus to teach. He did go on a longer bird walk all by himself for an elderly gentleman here in town the other day. That was to count birds and report them to local birding organizations. He walked as far as the Genesee River and saw quite a few.

      So your redbuds are much further along :).

  2. P.S. It looks like such a beautiful spring day!

  3. What an unusual name for a plant! Your walk sounded lovely. When we left Lancaster this morning it was 15C and sunny and as we drove south the temperature dropped and the rain fell :-)


    1. When you rub the leaves, they do not smell nice. So, don't step on them! Oh no, you should have gone north :)! Have a wonderful outing, not matter what the weather is like, though.


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