Friday, March 25, 2016

Good Friday/Karfreitag

Today was the second Lenten day of fasting and abstinence.  Although technically only Jonathan and I have to fast and abstain, Charlotte, Miriam, and Veronika also adhered to the rules.  Only Flora did have some snacks :).  But there was no meat today.  We did have hot cross buns for breakfast, but people did not eat as much as they would have normally eaten.

Heute war der zweite Fasten- und Abstinenztag der Fastenzeit.  Obwohl eigentlich nur Jonathan und ich zum Fasten und zur Abstinenz verpflichtet sind, haben Charlotte, Miriam und Veronika sich auch an die Regeln gehalten.  Nur Flora hat zwischendurch etwas gegessen.  Fleisch gab es jedoch heute gar nicht.  Zum Frühstück gab es unsere Karfreitagsheißwecken, doch haben sich alle zurück-gehalten, um die Fastenregeln nicht zu verletzen.    

Then we dyed our Easter eggs.  Dann haben wir Ostereier gefärbt.  

After lunch, it was time to drive to church.  Nach dem Mittagessen war es Zeit, in die Kirche zu fahren.  

Veneration of the cross 

Back home, I made Pascha, our Easter dish passed on through the German-Russian side of my family.  It has to be made Good Friday to be enjoyed on Easter morning.

Wieder zu Hause angekommen habe ich unsere Osterspezialität gemacht, Pascha, nach einem Rezept, das von dem deutsch-russischen Teil meiner Familie stammt.  

And tonight, Jonathan, Charlotte, and I watched The Star of Bethlehem, which sounds like an odd choice, but actually is not because it also talks about Good Friday.

Und heute abend haben Jonathan, Charlotte und ich den Film Der Stern von Bethlehem gesehen.  Das ist schon ein passender Film, weil es auch um Karfreitag geht.  


  1. Hello Eva, your eggs look so pretty. What dyes did you end up using?

    I always enjoy hearing about your Easter traditions. Do you just have water? When do you break the fast? The Star of Bethlehem looks very interesting. How nice to watch it together :) xoxo (And I'm sure the Pascha will be delicious!)

    1. We got the German colors from Nova. We have used them before and they work well.

      No, it is not a complete fast! You can eat one meatless meal and two smaller meals that are not allowed to be bigger together than your main meal. So you get to eat three times a day, but are not allowed to have snacks and two meals are quite small. That is only for people between 18 and 59. Once you are 14, you have to abstain from meat on Good Friday, but you are still allowed to have snacks. You can eat normally again on Saturday morning. So it is not so bad.

  2. thanks for explaining how the fast works. it's always been our tradition not to have meat on good friday also.

    it's good you can skype with peter. i can imagine how all of you must miss him. and it's nice he's experiencing a catholic easter in such an historic and reverent setting. and as a lutheran i do see the humor in that :) i like the catholic traditions you share. they're very deep and colorful.

    1. When I was growing up, we only had no meat on Fridays, but did not pay any attention to the other fasting rules, in fact, I was not even aware of them. Nobody talked about them. This is different in this country. I did once fast the whole day, when I was 19 and only drank water. That was hard!

      I always kind of joke that Peter has become more Catholic than Lutheran and I do think that the rich Catholic symbolism does touch him on a different level than the more intellectual church service from his tradition. He has also gotten to appreciate the culture in German speaking countries, so that helps.

    2. :) xoxoxo

      I don't think I've ever really fasted an entire day with only water. I think I would like to try one day :)

    3. I think it gets easier when you are older. Since my first voluntary fast, I have had to do it several times for medical tests, and did not find it so bad. But it is hard when you are still growing.

  3. Thanks for sharing the link I will take a look later. We did not manage our church service but we did watch and pray through the stations of the cross on EWTN.

    We had a hot cross bun for breakfast, two pieces of toast for lunch and fisherman's pie for tea. I managed to catch up on some laundry and cleaning. It must be strange with Peter being away.

    Did my card and present to you arrive? I sent it on the 7th March.

    San xx

    1. Maybe Dave and Benedict would be interested. It is quite scientific. Oh good that you could do EWTN!

      You sound quite productive. Must feel nice to get everything back in order. I do miss Peter, but we talk daily so it is not so bad.

      I did write a post on your present
      here and I think I also commented that on your blog about it, but I don't recall when anymore (I would have to go and check). I even took the bag to German class with me when I encouraged my students to use more reusable bags instead of plastic bags as one of their Lenten tasks. They thought the bag was really neat.


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