Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Main Lesson Work/Hauptepochenarbeit

A few pictures of what we did today.
Hier ein paar Fotos von unserer heutigen Arbeit. 


Dividing "sheep"
Wir teilen "Schafe" auf.

Four sheep, two people: Each gets two sheep :).
Vier Schafe, zwei Leute: Jeder bekommt zwei Schafe :).  

Man and Animal
Mensch und Tier

Hannibal crossing the Alps
Hannibal überquert die Alpen.


  1. Oh, I remember Hannibal crossing the Alps! And many chestnuts make division fun :) (Are they horse chestnuts collected from your yard?)

    1. Flora was very concerned about all the elephants that died on the way across. No, those are the ones from campus, they used to have lots of trees, but now there is just one tree left.


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