Thursday, March 24, 2016

Holy Thursday/Gründonnerstag

We did some local grocery shopping this morning, went to the library to return some books, and also to the post office to mail some Easter cards.  Back home we had lunch during which I lost a tooth filling.  I called the dentist right away and he recemented it this afternoon.  That was fast!!  We baked hot cross buns and then skyped with Peter who had just gotten back from celebrating Mass with Cardinal Schönborn in St. Stephan's Cathedral in Vienna.

Heute morgen haben wir noch einige Lebensmittel im Nachbardorf gekauft, haben Bücher in die Bücherei zurückgebracht und waren bei der Post, um einige Osterkarten wegzuschicken.  Zu Hause gab es dann Mittagessen, bei dem ich eine Füllung verloren habe.  Der Zaharzt hat sie heute nachmittag dann wieder in den Zahn zementiert.  Das war guter und schneller Service!  Wir haben auch Karfreitagsheißwecken gebacken und kurz mit Peter geskyped, der gerade von seiner Gründonnerstagsmesse im Stephansdom in Wien zurückgekehrt war.    

Then we had a very early dinner of cilantro soup (something green for Holy Thursday, a German tradition), and then drove to church.  We had to drive for 30 minutes to get to church today.  Our own church did not have a Holy Thursday Mass.  Jonathan was our driver to get there.  He had to share the road with horses and buggies, a good learning experience.

Unser Abendessen haben wir früh gegessen, und zwar eine grüne Suppe mit frischem Koriander.  Danach sind wir zu einer anderen Kirche gefahren, die ca. 30 Minuten entfernt ist.  Unsere eigene Kirche hat am Gründonnerstag keine Messe.  Jonathan hat uns zur Kirche gefahren.  Er mußte die Straße mit Pferden und Kutschen teilen, eine neue Erfahrung für ihn.    


  1. the soup looks good! did you have bread with it? were you fasting then also?

    it's good jonathan is practicing his driving so much! and thank goodness you could get your tooth fixed so quickly. losing a filling can be distressing.

    the church in vienna is beautiful! you must miss peter. is this his first easter away from home?

    it's not easy typing on this phone, but i do like being able to blog when away from home.

    1. Some children had rice crackers with it, but it also contained white sweet potatoes, so it was filling. No, no fasting on Holy Thursday.

      I was very happy that they could get me in, but now I am even poorer than before. That was expensive!

      I skyped again with him today. It is strange to not have him here and it is kind of funny that he is getting a full dose of very authentic Catholic worship for Holy Week with a cardinal in a cathedral and that as a Lutheran :). He has never been away from us for Easter. We do all miss him.

      It must be hard to type on a phone. I do not like those phones, I rarely get mine out (TracFone, not very fancy anyway). I could not blog without a laptop when traveling. I am glad you are able to so I know how you are doing.

  2. Der Stephansdom sieht so schön aus. Apropos Kutsche: habt ihr viele Amish bei Euch in der Nähe?

    1. Ja, der Dom ist sehr schön, auch wenn er ein bißchen dunkel ist. Wir haben viele Amische hier, doch nicht direkt im Dorf. Sie fahren aber überall mit den Kutschen, und man sieht sie auch im Supermarkt :).


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