Wednesday, September 23, 2015


We watched the canonization of Junipero Serra today.  Miriam is sick in bed with the flu, but that cheered her up a bit.

Heute haben wir bei der Heiligsprechung von Junipero Serra zugeschaut.  Miriam hat die Grippe und war den ganzen Tag im Bett.  Die Direktübertragung hat sie aber ein wenig aufgemuntert.  

There was teaching on campus for me (I gave my first exam), ballet for Flora, and homeschooling for all healthy people.

Ich habe auch meine erste Deutschklausur gegeben, Flora hatte Ballett und alle Gesunden haben fleißig gelernt.  


  1. Hope Miriam is feeling better soon and tha the rest of you remain well.

    Let Flira know that her writing is B-eautiful!

    San xx

    1. She was doing better today, got up, and did some schoolwork. Just a bit pale and lifeless. Now Flora is not feeling well. I will tell Flora about your compliment.


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