Friday, November 18, 2011

Old Testament/Altes Testament

Miriam is starting her new main lesson block: The Old Testament.  As with Jonathan and Charlotte we are using The Golden Children's Bible and the German Bible Das Alte Testament für Kinder.  The seven days of creation are accompanied by watercolor paintings.  Today we did day one.  The Christian science book "Considering God's Creation" has a wonderful song that lists the seven days of creation.  Unfortunately, there is no official online sample of this song.  You can find the words to the song here.  This song will help us to remember what God created on which day.

We had a beautiful sunrise this morning, deer in our neighbor's yard, and lots of snow play.

Miriam fängt ihre neue Hauptepoche an: Das Alte Testament.  Wie bei Jonathan und Charlotte benutzen wir dafür die englische Bibel The Golden Children's Bible und das deutsche Buch Das Alte Testament für Kinder.  Die sieben Schöpfungstage gestalten wir mit Wassermalfarben.  Den ersten Schöpfungstag haben wir heute gemalt.  Es gibt auch ein schönes Schöpfungslied (leider kann man es online nicht in der Originalversion finden), welches wir singen.  Den Text dazu findet man hier.  Dieses Lied hilft uns, zu behalten, was Gott an welchem Tag geschöpft hat.   

Heute morgen wurden wir von einem schönen Sonnenaufgang geweckt, ein Reh suchte Futter bei unseren Nachbarn im Garten und die Kinder haben viel im Schnee gespielt.    


  1. the beautiful paintings mirror not only the lesson but the beautiful sunrise. the golden children's bible is a nice book. i have the 1965 version which we've enjoyed.

  2. Pretty! We are just now losing the leaves off our trees. I could have sworn I smelled snow Wednesday night - we had a cold front come through, probably the same one which hit your area.

  3. Dorina, I like the Golden Children's Bible because the language is not completely watered down. I don't know what version we have, I have to check. We get beautiful sunrises and sunsets these days. When the sky turns read like this, we know that the angels are baking Christmas cookies.

  4. It must have been "our snow," I'm sure about this. :) Our trees don't have leaves anymore. Our fall was somewhat short.


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