Thursday, February 27, 2025

Lambeth, etc.

We did go to Lambeth today, but first we stopped at Loop in Islington to buy a button and also some lacemaking yarn.  My coat had lost a button and Veronika discovered some colored lacemaking yarn.  We have been here before and love this little store.  Flora was supposed to have her violin lesson today,but her teacher was ill.

Wir sind heute nach Lambeth gegangen, aber erst waren wir in einem Handarbeitsladen, um einen Knopf für meine Jacke zu kaufen und dann haben wir noch schönes Klöppelgarn entdeckt.  Wir kennen diesen Laden schon von früheren Londonaufenthalten und finden ihn sehr hübsch.  Eigentlich hätte Flora heute Geigenstunde haben sollen, aber ihre Lehrerin ist leider krank geworden.


After our purchases at Loop, we drove on to Hatton Garden, London's jewelry quarter and the center of the diamond trade in the United Kingdom.  No, we did not get rich overnight, but Flora's watch was not working anymore and among the jewelers was a watch repair shop.  The people there were wonderful and discovered that Flora's watch was not broken, but that the battery had been replaced incorrectly.  He put it in right and the watch was working again!  He did not even charge us for his service, but then we also ended up buying a new watchband because her old one was quite frayed.  She wanted a red one again (the original is red) and they had those in stock.  He even offered to put a new clasp on it because the one they had in stock had a golden one, but Flora's old one had a silver one.  He then asked Flora to try on her "new" watch.  The holes were not quite right for her wrist and the young man added some extra holes for her.  What a service!  

Nach unseren Einkäufen im Handarbeitsladen sind wir zu Hatton Garden gefahren, was Londons Juwelierzentrum und Zentrum des Diamantenhandels für ganz England ist.  Nein, wir sind nicht auf einmal reich geworden, doch gibt es dort einen kleinen Uhrmacherladen, zu dem wir gegangen sind.  Floras Armbanduhr ging nicht mehr und wir wollten herausfinden, warum nicht.  Die Uhrmacher dort waren sehr freundlich.  Ein junger Mann hat sich die Uhr angesehen und festgestellt, daß beim letzten Batteriewechsel, die Batterie nicht ordnungsgemäß eingebaut worden war.  Er hat sie richtig befestigt und schon ging die Uhr wieder!  Er wollte noch nicht einmal dafür bezahlt werden.  Doch dann haben wir noch ein neues Armband gekauft, weil das alte sehr kaputt war.  Flora wollte wieder ein rotes haben und das hatten sie vorrätig.  Der Uhrmacher hat sogar die Schnalle von einer goldenen zu einer silbernen gewechselt, weil Floras altes Armband auch so war.  Dann mußte sie die Uhr anprobieren und er hat gleich bemerkt, daß sie noch mehr Löcher für ihr schmales Handgelenk brauchte.  Die hat er dann auch gleich reingestanzt.  Was für ein toller Service!  

We were very close to the Italian church and went inside to say "hi" to Jesus.
Wir waren sehr nahe an der italienischen Kirche und sind dort hineingegangen, um Jesus zu besuchen.

And now we were ready to go on to Lambeth, where we lived last time we were in London.
Und dann sind wir endlich nach Lambeth gefahren, wo wir bei unserem letzten Londonaufenthalt gewohnt haben.

Archbishop's Park
Park des Erzbischofs

Our plan was to see this exhibition.
Wir wollten diese Ausstellung über mittelalterliche Kalender mit Leporellofalzung sehen.

You were not allowed to take pictures, but the video above gives a wonderful introduction to what we were able to see.

Man durfte nicht fotografieren, aber die Ausstellung war sehr interessant.  Oben im Video kann man einen kleinen Einblick bekommen.

After the exhibition, we walked to the Thames.
Nach der Ausstellung sind wir zur Themse gegangen.

St. Thomas Hospital
St. Thomas Krankenhaus

Lambeth Palace: Seat of the Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury
Lambeth Palast: Sitz des anglikanischen Bischofs von Canterbury

St.Mary's Church, now a museum
St. Marien, jetzt ein Museum

Morton's Tower

And here we are finally at the Thames.  You can see The Houses of Parliament (Palace of Westminster) with Big Ben.  
Und jetzt sind wir endlich bei der Themse.  Man kann das Parlamentsgebäude (Westminsterpalast) mit Big Ben sehen.

Big Ben

Colonel John By built the Rideau Canal in Ontario, which we visited in 2018.  The colonel was born in Lambeth.
Colonel John By hat den Rideau Kanal in Ontario in Kanada gebaut, den wir 2018 besucht haben.  Er ist hier in Lambeth geboren worden.

Westminster Abbey
Westminster Abtei

Big Ben (other side)
Big Ben (andere Seite)


  1. A lovely day! The concertina fold almanac is fascinating! What a wonderful exhibit. How did you hear about it, and did you walk over the Lambeth Bridge or the Westminster Bridge? I love reading about Flora's wristwatch and the watch repair expert. It's so nice connecting with someone like that, and seeing how they work with intricate objects. The girls have been to Loop and I've seen their photos. It's a very nice shop! The owner visited a yarn store near me several years ago and brought along some of her yarn and knitting kits. It was nice to see.

    1. They are very unique and were fascinating! And many things written/drawn onto them are still mysteries. I always consult Ian Visits to find unique things to do. We walked back over Westminster Bridge. Lambeth Bridge has construction going on, but supposedly you can still cross (although it did not look like it). I do not like Westminster Bridge so much because it is always so crowded and the bridge that is targeted by terrorists the most. But you do have a nice view. That repair shop was marvelous! And they were so polite and nice. Yes, I remember them going to Loop. Oh, how wonderful to have that connection of Loop and NYC!

    2. Yes, it was nice to have a UK yarn shop mix with one in the neighborhood. I think we still have a watch repair shop also. I should walk by and see if it's still where I think it is. When in London we walked across the Westminster Bridge around sunset. It was very pretty and fortunately, that day it was not too crowded.

    3. Oh, we also have watch repair shops up in Buffalo and Rochester, but Flora's watch is a Swiss watch my parents bought for her. Those Swiss ones are quite rare in the U.S. and it is hard to find a repair shop for them. Even to have the battery changed is a challenge (as we found out). Jonathan's is also a Swiss one from my parents and it was not working. We found a good place in Buffalo that services watches like his. Westminster Bridge has a fantastic view, but I think you need to be there not on a weekend!


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