Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Pet Club/Haustierclub

Veronika took a Russian ballet class downtown this morning and Flora had a Pet Club meeting at Kentish Town City Farm.  

Veronika hat heute eine Ballettklasse mit einer russischen Lehrerin in der Innenstadt genommen und Flora hatte ein Treffen mit dem Haustierclub beim Kentish Town Stadtbauernhof.

We arrived at feeding time and all animals were eating.
Alle Tiere wurden gerade gefüttert, als wir angekommen sind.

The club members were holding guinea pigs.
Die Teilnehmer durften Meerschweinchen halten.

The goats were very playful.
Die Ziegen wollten nur spielen.

Flora, holding a guinea pig
Flora hält ein Meerschweinchen.


Lots of composting and recycling
Hier gibt es Kompost und Recycling.


  1. How sweet to see the animals. I'm sure Flora enjoyed it :) Did Veronika like the ballet class?

    1. Yes, she loved it. The group will meet every Tuesday. She liked it, but said it was very hard. The teacher was Russian and did not really speak English, so lots of the directions she gave were guesswork. And it was an advanced class.

    2. It sounds fun and challenging. From my experience with a few Russian teachers, they reward hard work. They like to see you trying and will push you to do so (though sometimes not very gently!)

    3. Yes, they do! Chinese teachers can be similar as we found out in California.

    4. :D Ah! I was taught by a Russian teacher when a child. I really liked her though. I had a more difficult time with her husband. He was a little too brusque for me!

    5. Yes, I remember you mentioned that. Interesting that the husband was brusque. Maybe he did not like teaching girls?

    6. No! I think he just believed in being tough on dancers so that they would work hard. If you didn't meet his challenge, then it meant you wouldn't survive in the dance world.


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