We had decided to go to St. Etheldredra for their Latin Mass on Sunday, but then our bus never came and we had to take a different route. However, that bus did not follow its regular route, but a completely different one for a long stretch! We have no idea what happened to the first bus or why the second one drove differently. We did switch to the underground then. Anyway, we did make it to church and were only a few minutes late.
Wir wollten zur lateinischen Messe bei St. Etheldreda am Sonntag, doch der normale Bus ist nie gekommen und die andere Linie, die hier fährt und in die wir eingestiegen sind, fuhr auf einmal nicht ihre normale Route, sondern ganz anders. So sind wir dann in die U-Bahn gestiegen und waren auch nur einige Minuten zu spät.
St. Ethedredra and her shrine
St. Etheldredra und ihr Schrein
We walked past Staple Inn and past
Wir sind am Staple Inn vorbeigegangen und auch
the Royal Exchange
an der alten Börse
to the Guildhall.
zur Guildhall.
We wanted to take a look at the Roman ruins again because Flora has read about Roman art.
Wir wollten uns die römischen Ruinen ansehen, weil Flora sich mit römischer Kunst beschäftigt hat.
This is not Roman, but was made in Germany.
Das hier stammt nicht von den Römern, sondern aus der Gegend von Köln.
Amphitheater of London
Londoner Amphitheater
Drain system
We also walked through the picture gallery.
Wir sind auch durch die Galerie geschlendert.
So we did not do anything new, just visiting familiar places.
Wir haben also nichts Neues getan, sondern nur uns vertraute Dinge angesehen.
It was a nice Sunday to be at church and visit Roman ruins at Guildhall :) It was too bad about the buses! Frustrating. That happens here often. I thought London was better!
ReplyDeleteNo chance to see Roman ruins in the USA :). They actually just discovered the remnants of the Roman basilica! You can read about it here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cx2jdnv0ywyo. No, the buses are not so reliable anymore and have had lots of problems with crazy drivers. The rate of injuries of passengers in the buses has gone up. It is a real problem. They all drive so carelessly that passengers fall off their seats and down the stairs.
DeleteLOL no chance here :) Thank you for the article. It's very interesting and I love how it will be incorporated into the new building's plans! And that is sad about the London bus system. I hope they make it better. I know that Morgana has said she doesn't see how people bicycle in London. She thinks it's too dangerous. We saw cyclists riding without helmets (and very nonchalantly in front of a bus!), which did not seem like a good idea to me.
DeleteUnless you visit Hearst Castle in CA: He probably has some Roman ruins there. I think one of his pools is a Roman pool. I am glad they are finally getting more interested in their own history! Sometimes London just wants to move forward and many older buildings and places get destroyed.
DeleteI think the main problem with the buses is the training of the drivers: Many simply drive like they were on drugs or drunk! Some of them are also extremely rude.
So true, bicycling here is like a death sentence in my opinion. Also, many bikes get stolen right from under your. That is happening in Regent's Park right now: Many young people go biking there really early in the morning and gangs show up and make the bike riders stop and hand over their bikes. The police won't do a thing about it because they do not work that early in Regent's Park! Isn't that bizarre?
Oh, that's so sad and frustrating about the bicycle thefts. And I have been to Hearst Castle . . but it was sooooo long ago! :)
DeleteIt seems to be a huge problem! I was there in 1986.
Delete:D We missed each other by a few years! I was there prior to that . . not sure exactly though.