Thursday, July 15, 2021


I have been making a lot of popsicles recently.  Normally, I combine some kind of fruit juice with yogurt (plain yogurt mixed with my own fresh fruit).  Right now I am using a cucumber-lemon-lemonade instead of the juice.  It is very yummy and refreshing.  

In der letzten Zeit mache ich viel Leckeis.  Meistens benutze ich einen guten Obstsaft und Joghurt, in die ich frische Früchte rühre.  Im Moment benutze ich aber keinen Saft, sondern eine Gurken-Zitronenlimonade, die sehr lecker und erfrischend ist.  

Flora has finished her first week of art.  Today, they made collages out of sea glass.  
Flora hat ihre erste Woche Kunst fertig.  Heute haben sie eine Collage aus Meerglas gemacht.  

She also made this.
Sie hat auch das hier gemacht.

They are putting new guard rails up along the road to her class.  Charlotte and I often have to wait a long time before we can pass.  It is such a rural road, but all of a sudden, there is lots of construction happening.  

Village where her class is being held.
Dorf, wo der Kunstkurs stattfindet.

Construction with new guard rail.
Baustelle mit neuer Leitplanke

Es werden im Moment neue Leitplanken an der Straße aufgestellt, die zu Floras Kunstklasse führt.  Charlotte und ich müssen oft lange warten, bevor wir weiter fahren dürfen.  Es ist so komisch, daß es hier auf dem Lande auf einmal große Baustellen gibt.  

Tomorrow, Peter will leave for San Diego.  Flora will have her violin lesson in person again!  We have been watching the news about the German floods because we have relatives in that very area.  We have also had quite a bit of flooding in our county, but not like that.  Today we read the picture book Flood.

Morgen fliegt Peter nach San Diego.  Flora hat zum ersten Mal nach langer Zeit ihre Geigenstunde nicht mehr online, sondern darf ihre Lehrerin besuchen.  Wir haben die Nachrichten über die schlimmen Überschwemmungen in Deutschland gesehen und dabei an viele Verwandte gedacht, die in diesen Gegenden wohnen.  Hier im Landkreis hat es in den letzten Wochen auch immer wieder Überschwemmungen gegeben, aber nicht so schlimme wie in Deutschland.  

One of the more recent videos


  1. When I watched the news last night I thought of you - I hope your relatives are safe? It reminded me of scenes from the village of Boscastle in Cornwall many years ago, so devastating for all concerned. How on earth some Governments can ignore climate change is beyond me 😕

    1. I think they are, my aunt and uncle in the "Eifel" live a bit higher than the village which got bad damage, so I do think they have been spared the worst. I have not heard from my other uncle and aunt, who live in one of those villages that had been completely cut off. I just read about it today. I am waiting to hear more from my father soon. Yes, climate change is real. Germany has never had any flooding like this before. We do get spring floods, when the snows melt, and the big rivers do flood, but this here is completely different.

    2. They are all fine, "just" flooded basements. They had to throw everything away.

    3. Glad to hear that your relatives are ok what a worry for you all x

  2. Hello Eva, the flooding is terrible. I hope your aunt and uncle from the village are alright. Keep us posted.

    Please tell Flora that I love her artwork, especially the little figure. It's very cute and looks like a seashell frog to me, and your pop looks delicious.

    1. I heard from my dad and they are all fine. Nobody could reach them for a while, but they are healthy. Their basements got flooded, though. They had to throw everything away. Angie, who comments on your blog sometimes, lives in the same town, and has also had severe damage to their house and carpentry workshop. She lives more downtown, my uncle and aunt live higher up. I think the people higher up were more lucky. There is no food to buy, though. My cousin from Cologne drove to bring food to his parents. Normally it takes him 45 minutes to see them, but it took him a whole day because all the roads are torn up or flooded.

    2. I left a message on her blog. I'm sorry everyone has had so much damage. That's very difficult. 45 minutes to see his parents and now a whole day's drive . . and no food . . I have no words. I hope the rain stays away . .

    3. I have not heard from her again, maybe the internet is out again. They are supposed to get more rain on the weekend (I keep looking at the German weather reports). I read that there is no more hope for finding survivors. Now they have to try to clean up.

  3. Maybe it's a seashell bird. I think it made me think of a frog because it's head is green . . I also like frogs.

    1. Yes, I had a similar reaction when I saw it. It looks like an ocean frog :).

  4. In Schuld bin ich früher immer Sonntags mit meiner Oma und meinem Opa zum Kaffee gewesen. Jetzt ist da alles weg.

    1. Meiner Freundin aus Bad Neuenahr geht es auch so, sie erkennt ihre Heimat nicht mehr wieder. Gott sei Dank ist ihrer Mutter nichts passiert.

    2. Das ist gut, dass es ihnen gut geht. Nein, man erkennt es wirklich nicht wieder es ist einfach alles zerstört.

    3. Ja, das wird noch so lange dauern, bis es wieder aufgebaut ist.


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