Saturday, November 10, 2018


It started snowing yesterday and the librarian at our local branch told me that many accidents had happened in the county.  I told her I still had to drive to the ballet studio in the evening and she warned me to be careful.  Charlotte and I had to drive there so she could record a video for her college applications. 

This morning, it had snowed much more, in fact our ballet teacher canceled the Nutcracker rehearsal for today.  So we did not have to drive anywhere today, which is hard to believe.  We spent our day cooking, baking, and cleaning.  Peter visited the Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal and liked it a lot.  They had a special Calder exhibition. 

Gestern hat es angefangen zu schneien.  Die Bibliothekarin in unserer Bücherei erzählte mir, daß es schon viele Unfälle im Landkreis gegeben hätte.  Ich erwähnte, daß ich an dem Abend noch zum Ballettstudio mit Charlotte fahren müßte, da sie dort ein Video für ihre Collegebewerbungen machen wollte.  Die Bibliothekarin bat mich, vorsichtig zu fahren!  Heute morgen hatte es so viel geschneit, daß die Nußknackerprobe abgesagt wurde.  Wir sind den ganzen Tag zu Hause gewesen und haben gekocht, gebacken und geputzt.  Peter war im Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal, was ihm sehr gefallen hat.  Sie haben im Moment eine Calder Sonderausstellung dort.  

 Peter is looking at an art museum and Flora is matching artists and titles with the right painting.  
Peter sieht sich ein Kunstmuseum an und Flora versucht die Titel und Künstler mit dem richtigen Gemälde zusammenzubringen. 


  1. Wow! Wasn't Flora just mailing a letter to Jonathan barefoot . . ? And now it's snowing! Your visit to Mercyhurst was a nice trip for you and Charlotte. I loved the living roof and the Mariengarten, and the theatre looked like it had good acoustics. Charlotte even was able to take a modern dance class. Did she like it? Was it a particular modern style? (And was she able to take a class at Muhlenberg also? I can't remember if you mentioned that . . ) Lake Erie's shoreline is very pretty!

    1. Yes, there is more snow falling right now. Mercyhurst was very nice, I really liked it there. She thought the modern dance class was okay, she does not like modern dance so much, but she thought the modern dance class at Mercyhurst was much better than at Muhlenberg! I am not sure if it was a certain style, I did not see it because I was preparing my class at the bookstore, but she did not mention a certain style.

  2. I think your angel was looking after you and a home day must have been very welcomed x

    1. Yes, I think several angels are looking out for me these days when I have to drive almost every day for an hour or more. Saturday was heaven, no driving and no outings for a change!


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