Sunday, November 18, 2018

Rehearsal and Shopping/Probe und Einfkaufen

 Flora, on the left, is practicing Gingerbread.  (Dorina, she is wearing one of your leotards!)
Flora übt den Polichinellentanz.

Yesterday, the girls had one of many Nutcracker rehearsals.  While they were dancing, I did half of the grocery shopping in Geneseo.  Then I picked them up and we went back to Geneseo to finish our shopping.  We got home in the evening and were pretty tired by then. 

Gestern hatten die Mädchen eine von vielen Nußkknackerproben.  Während sie getanzt haben, habe ich die Hälfte der Lebensmittel eingekauft.  Dann habe ich sie abgeholt und wir haben den Rest erledigt.  Erst am Abend waren wir zu Hause und waren ziemlich müde.  

 You can also see Veronika here (brown sweater), but she was already done with her parts.
Hier sieht man auch Veronika (brauner Pullover), die aber zu diesem Zeitpunkt schon mit ihrer Probe fertig war.  

 Shopping in Geneseo
Einkaufen in Geneseo

 Briefkasten für den Weihnachtsmann



  1. Do they enjoy their Nutcracker rehearsals? Are they soldiers and gingerbread? I'm so glad you can get more use out of the leotard and that Flora likes wearing it.

    1. I think they do, although many of their friends are not taking ballet this year. Most parents were just exhausted from driving so much. So Heidi and Charlotte are the only older girls continuing. Flora is worried she cannot remember her steps for the Gingerbread part. She is a soldier and gingerbread. Veronika is a rat and an angel, Miriam is a rat, and Charlotte is Christmas Spirit (which also does the things Drosselmeyer normally does). It is so nice we got those leotards from you :).

  2. Unsere Kids stecken auch gerade mitten in einer langen Reihe von Proben und Aufführungen. Viel Spass mit dem Nussknacker und liebe Grüsse

    1. Was führen sie auf? Müßt Ihr dafür auch so weit fahren? Unsere Generalproben haben noch nicht angefangen. Wenn die anfangen, kann man nicht viel anderes als Tanzen machen.

  3. Morgana always enjoyed being a rat in the battle scene. Tell Flora to practice her steps every night and then she will be fine (the girls' modern dance teacher used to say that . . I remember them often practicing while I made dinner). It's nice that Charlotte is continuing. It's fun being in a performance together . . at Christmastime :)

    1. I will suggest that to Flora :). Jonathan's Nutcracker is the same weekend as ours, so he won't be able to see ours and we won't be able to see his. He could have also danced in ours if he had been here. But it is nice that all the girls are still in it together.


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