Thursday, May 24, 2018


Not many pictures right now because Charlotte has been using my laptop for typing her physics paper and studying for her final exam.  We had a great class at Letchworth Park today.  Miriam took some pictures, but I have not seen them so far because she is at ballet right now.  Flora has been making yogurt, a process that is like an adventure.  My tonsillitis has come back so the doctor is trying a different antibiotic on me.  I hope it will help.   

Nicht viele Fotos im Moment, weil Charlotte meinen Laptop für ihre Physikhausarbeit braucht und auch damit für ihre Abschlußklausur braucht.  Wir hatten heute wieder eine tolle Naturkundeklasse in Letchworth Park.  Miriam hat fotografiert, aber ich habe die Fotos noch nicht gesehen, weil Miriam beim Ballett ist.  Flora macht im Moment zum ersten Mal Joghurt, was ein spannender Prozeß ist.  Meine Mandelentzündung ist leider zurückgekommen und daher nehme ich jetzt ein anderes Antibiotikum.  Vielleicht hilft das ja.    


  1. Good luck to Charlotte on her exam! I have a similar yogurt maker. I should take it out and make yogurt to have for breakfast :) I hope you get well soon, Eva.

    1. She is done with the whole course and thought the final was okay. The whole class did very badly on the midterm and they all retook it. She got a 94 on the retake. Now we are waiting for the final grade, but I am not sure when it will be available.

      I have not used this yogurt maker in ages, but I found some yogurt cultures in the cupboard and so we gave it a try. Goes well with grade 3 topics. The yogurt was actually very good. We bought some organic pasture fed milk for the yogurt.

      This inflammation is really annoying and painful. The new course of antibiotics is another one for 10 days. If it does not work, surgery looks like the only other option. I do want to avoid that, but I have had several doctors tell me over the years that my tonsils might cause problems in the future, so I am not completely surprised.

  2. Liebe Eva,
    Happy Birthday, Flora und Dir Gute Besserung!!

    1. Ganz lieben Dank, Silke! Liebe Grüße, besonders an den Geigenspieler!

  3. Finally I am well enough to visit! Happy belated birthday wishes to Flora :-). I have just finished my third round of antibiotics for an infection :-(. It was a bacteria that in healthy people stays in the gut but with folk that are unwell it migrated and rather painfully lodged in the urinary tract, I did not sleep at all last weekend and ended up on codeine to deal with the pain. The last test showed the infection has gone but I am very washed out as a result. Sending love to you xx

    1. That sounds awful, San! Was it E.-coli? There is a wonderful "sugar" that helps to eradicate it. If you are interested, I can send you an e-mail. We had several "visits" by E.-coli with some of the girls and a urologist in North Carolina recommended this treatment. I do hope that you will stay healthy now. I hope I won't need a third round of antibiotics. My two ones are plenty because each round is 10 days. I went hiking yesterday because we had that nature class scheduled. That was not the smartest thing to do and I did take a LONG nap today. Tonight I feel better. Thanks for the birthday wishes!

    2. No not E. coli and we have found D Mannose which Dave is taking. It was Klebsiella which is particularly nasty. I am just exhausted and my immunity is impaired. Ben has missed college due to my sickness but there isn't anything we can do about it at present. We are pushing for transport help for next year as he will be in four days each week.

    3. Yes, D-Mannose it was. It was like a miracle for the girls. I have never heard of Klebsiella, but I am not very knowledgeable with these :). I am sorry about Ben missing classes. Too bad there is no public transportation. I hope you will figure something out about the transportation.

  4. oh je, liebe Eva, so ein Pech mit der Mandelentzündung... :/ Ich hoffe, du bist inzwischen geheilt und es ist wieder alles gut.

    1. Ja, immer etwas Neues. Leider ist sie noch nicht weg, das erste Antibiotikum hat nicht geklappt, das zweite habe ich noch nicht zu Ende genommen.

    2. Ich drücke die Daumen, dass es anschlägt! Ich musste ja vor einigen Wochen auch Antibiotika (wegen der Zahnentzündung) nehmen, aber anschließend hat es fast drei Wochen gebraucht (bzw. ist immer noch nicht ganz "abgeschlossen"), um die Nebenwirkungen in den Griff zu bekommen (Verdauungsprobleme usw., obwohl ich gleich mit Probiotika begonnen hatte, aber jedesmal beim Antibiotika leide ich dann eine Weile unter den Nachwirkungen).

    3. Danke schön. Letztes Mal war es auch viel besser, aber dann ist die Entzündung zurückgekommen. Ja, das mit den Nebenwirkungen ist immer so eine Sache. Bisher habe ich aber nicht so große Probleme bekommen. Ich nehme aber auch Probiotika, die besonders stark sind. Aber auch bei den Probiotika gibt es so viele verschiedene Sorten. Einige funktionieren und andere nicht. Ich habe mal gelesen, daß man die Antibiotika und die Probiotika nicht zur gleichen Zeit nehmen soll, also am besten eine Sorte abends, die andere morgens, damit sie auch wirken.

  5. Hello Eva, I'm sorry to hear that you are on another round of antibiotics. I wonder how you are now? I had my tonsils out when I was little. I have never understood how they cause us to retain infection. Maybe I should do some reading.

    Congrats to Charlotte on her 94 test grade! That's very good. I also try to do the pasture fed milk when I can.

    Hoping you feel better! xo

    1. I think I am okay and hope that I will stay that way. My mother had her tonsils out too, when she was small. It used to be much more routine surgery than it is these days. Supposedly they produce more white blood cells to fight off infections.

      Charlotte got an A- as her final grade and I am actually quite pleased and also amazed with how well she did. It was a hard course.


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