Friday, November 17, 2017

Ancient Egypt and Bernoulli Effect

Today, Veronika started to make an Egyptian hippo.  Her tiles are done and look very pretty.  

Heute hat Veronika mit einem ägyptischen Flußpferd angefangen.  Ihre Kacheln sind fertig und sehr hübsch.

Miriam learned about the Bernoulli Effect.  She is testing the theory by doing this hairdryer experiment.  

Miriam hat etwas über den Bernoulli-Effekt gelernt.  Dazu macht sie ein Experiment mit einem Fön und einem Tennisball.

Sorry, but I cannot turn the video
Leider bekomme ich das Video nicht gedreht.  

Tomorrow is my turn to drive to the Nutcracker rehearsal.  I think they will be having their first run-through. 

Morgen fahre ich die Mädchen zur Nußknackerprobe.  Sie üben zum ersten Mal alle Teile in der richtigen Reihenfolge.  


  1. Those tiles really are beautiful, well done Veronika. It also looks like Miriam really enjoyed her science experiment :-) xx

    1. Thanks so much, San. I also like them a lot and they do look "real." Miriam did like it, we need to try it with a stronger hair dryer when Jonathan comes home. Ours is just a little traveling one and I think a bigger one would blow the ball higher.

  2. Yes! Veronika does such fine work! It's so nice to see.

    I've been having trouble with my movies being on the side lately, also. I don't remember having this problem before.

    1. She is very artistic, I think, and also very determined to get things done. Maybe the newer the devices we use, the worse the movies get? I am not sure, I just cannot turn them within the camera and also not on the laptop. I tried downloading programs to turn them, but whenever I download them, my laptop crashes. They use up too much memory space I think. So I try to remember not to turn my camera when making movies.


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