Thursday, November 30, 2017

Grammar and Moss/Grammatik und Moos

Flora is working with the Humpties right now.  They are helping her to learn the parts of speech and to find them in sentences.

Flora arbeitet mit kleinen lustigen Kärtchen, die ihr helfen, die Wortarten in Sätzen zu bestimmen.  

Wir lesen auch eine Grammatikbilderbuchserie von Ruth Heller, die sehr bunt ist.  

This afternoon, after Miriam's art class and my German 101 class, we studied mosses.  While I was teaching German 103, Miriam, Veronika, and Flora stayed on campus and drew the mosses they had found into their nature journals.  Charlotte was at ballet.  

Heute nachmittag, nach Miriams Kunststunde und meinem Deutschseminar, haben wir draußen Moos gesucht.  Miriam, Veronika und Flora haben das gefundene Moos dann beim College gezeichnet, da ich noch einen weiteren Kurs zu unterrichten hatte.  Charlotte hatte Ballett.    

Looking for moss

Image may contain: 1 person, dancing, standing and shoes
Trying on her sugar plum costume
Charlotte probiert ihr Zuckerfeekostüm aus.


  1. I think moss is difficult to sketch, but it is interesting to study :) Charlotte's sugar plum costume is very pretty! (and she looks very pretty in it!)

    1. Yes, moss looks so humble, but is a very complicated plant. If you get close, it almost looks like a forest.

      She does wear her leotard under it in the picture because she was just trying it on, but it is a pretty costume. Thanks for your kind words.


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