Thursday, November 23, 2017


Not the clearest picture, but here they are!
Leider nicht ganz scharf geworden, aber hier sind sie alle!

 Acorn squash

 Turkey with an orange-mustard-cranberry glaze
Putenfilet mit Orangen-Senf-Moosbeeren Soße

 Green beans with thyme, onions and pine nuts
Grüne Bohnen mit Thymian, Zwiebeln und Pinienkernen

Cranberry semifreddo 
Moosbeeren Halbgefrorenes

 Going for a walk

 It was cold.
Es war kalt.


 Trying to get the perfect position.
Alles muß ganz perfekt sein.

 Frozen canal
Der Kanal ist gefroren.

 Trying to see how far the sticks go on the ice.
Sie versuchen herauszufinden, wie weit die Stöcke auf dem Eis rutschen.

Although these five can be quite a handful, I am thankful for them all and love them a lot.
Auch wenn diese fünf manchmal anstrengend sind, bin ich überaus dankbar, daß ich sie habe und liebe sie alle sehr.  

And they love me too, as I just found out in my e-mail:
Und sie lieben mich auch, wie ich gerade in meiner Email feststellen konnte:


Ich liebe dich!!!  




  1. Happy Thanksgiving!
    It looks like everyone had fun on your walk. You are blessed to live in the country.

    1. Thanks so much, Christine. I hope you had a good holiday. It is wonderful for children to be able to grow up in the country where it is fairly safe and you can let your children explore the outdoors by themselves. I thought you were not in a big city either, am I wrong?

  2. Happy Thanksgiving!

    Das sind so liebe Worte, deine und die deiner Kinder ♥

    1. Danke, liebe C. Ja, manchmal will man sie in die Wüste schicken, aber im Grunde sind sie doch alle sehr lieb.

  3. Encapsulating the true spirit of the day :-). Love the pas de deux with Jonathan and Charlotte ❤️🍁🙂

    1. Thanks, San! I think the two of them were happy to so some ballet together again.

  4. What a lovely Thanksgiving, Eva. I think those are the napkins we made you? It's nice to see :) Did you make the napkin holders? They look pretty.

    Taking a walk on Thanksgiving Day is one of my favorite things to do. It must have felt nice to have Jonathan and Charlotte dancing together again. Thank goodness for holidays!

    1. Yes, those are your napkins. My mother made those napkin holders with the girls. It is just a piece of cardboard with a colored raffia wrapped around tightly. Very simple, but quite pretty. I saw that you also took a walk on Thanksgiving :). Jonathan and Charlotte were happy to do some dance steps outdoors. Our house is too small to do it there.

      Happy belated Thanksgiving from this blog to you! I think I left a note on your blog.

  5. Hope you had a blessed Thanksgiving! Thank you for stopping by too. Your children are so very graceful. LOVE this post and its message of gratitude.


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