Sunday, November 19, 2017

Sunday Snow Walk and St. Elizabeth/Sonntagsspaziergang im Schnee und die heilige Elisabeth

It is snowing again, but more than before.  I guess it is good I got out the flannel sheets and put down the storm windows.  

Es schneit wieider, und da war es ganz richtig, daß ich gestern Flanellbettwäsche auf die Betten gezogen habe und die Fliegengitter gegen die Winterfenster ausgetauscht habe.  

 Going for a walk after church
Spaziergang nach der Kirche

The squirrels are stealing our bird seed.  
Die Eichhörnchen stehlen unser Vogelfutter.

Today is the feast day of St. Elizabeth of Hungary.  Peter celebrated this day in the St. George's Church with his students.  In this church Elizabeth got married when she was 14 years old.  It is a protestant church now, and the congregation celebrated her feast day by handing out little roses to the students, remembering the miracle of the roses.  

St. George's Church

Heute ist der Namenstag der heiligen Elisabeth von Thüringen.  Peter hat diesen Tag in der Georgenkirche mit seinen Studenten gefeiert.  Elisabeth hat in dieser Kirche geheiratet, als sie 14 Jahre alt war.  Es ist jetzt eine evangelische Kirche, aber die Gemeinde hat ihrer gedacht und kleine Rosen an die Studenten verteilt, die an das Rosenwunder erinnern sollten.    

Later, they climbed the mountain to the Wartburg to see, among other things, her rooms.  It is a very beautiful castle.  Here are just a few pictures.  

Später am Tag sind sie dann zur Wartburg hochgestiegen, um u.a. ihre Zimmer zu sehen.  Diese Burg ist wirklich sehr schön.  Hier sind einige Fotos:    

 Elizabeth's room
Elisabeths Kemenate

Tonight, Charlotte and Miriam joined the Catholic club on campus for vespers.  They said there was a good turn-out. 

Heute abend waren Charlotte und Miriam wieder bei der Abendandacht beim College mit den Studenten des katholischen Clubs.  Viele Studenten waren heute dabei.   


  1. Such a grey day! Winter is early. Your photo of the red berry bush is very pretty. How nice to visit St. George's Church and receive St. Elizabeth's roses :)

    (The squirrels are so sneaky!)

    1. Yes, and it is cold! We have those berries here a lot, but I am not sure what they are.

      Yes, they are also annoying.

  2. The weather report this evening has predicted snow by the end of the week! It is due Thursday/Friday which is interesting since we are staying with Sara and Tom for thanksgiving :-) So I guess it is a case of watch this space! San xx

    1. Has it snowed yet? It did snow here today, but did not amount to much. How far is it to get to Sara and Tom?

    2. Only a fifty minute drive! We are here and about to eat shortly xx

  3. St.Elizabeth of Hungary was always my favorite saint. Although my mother told me I was not named after her, but after the other Elizabeth, she was the one I loved as a child. I did not know the church of her wedding was still there. I'll have to make a pilgrimage some day! I remember her arguments with her husband about how she needed to dress like a princess, not a peasant; she agreed to dress like a princess when he was home, and as she wished when he was gone. (Early feminism that must have marked me deeply.) I would have founded a hospital for the poor too, if I'd been a princess.

    1. Charlotte chose her as her confirmation saint and I do think she must have been a remarkable woman. You can also visit the church where she is buried! She was buried in Marburg and I have visited her grave when I was about 12 or so. I think she was quite modern for her time (as was he). They ate their meals together which was unheard of when they lived.


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