Monday, August 1, 2016

Cousins/Vettern und Kusinen

 Charlotte is learning about sharks from Nathanael.
Charlotte lernt etwas über Haie von Nathanael.

 Jonathan and Nicolas
Jonathan und Nicolas

 Flora and Luke
Flora und Luke

 Uncle Chris with Luke
Onkel Chris und Luke


 Flora, Veronika, and Luke are playing with a ball.
Flora, Veronika und Luke spielen mit einem Ball.

 Peter is joining them.
Peter macht mit.

 All cousins except Luke
Alle Vettern und Kusinen außer Luke.

 All cousins with Aunt Hannah
Alle Vettern und Kusinen mit Tante Hannah

 Driving home
Wieder nach Hause

 Back at Wegmans in Erie, PA
Wieder bei Wegmans in Erie in Pennsylvania


 Approaching Lake Chautauqua
Wir nähern uns dem Chautauqua See.

 Enjoying this beautiful rest stop in NY.
Dies ist der schönste Rastplatz in New York.

Jonathan still needs about 15 hours of night driving before he can take his driver's test.  He drove us home in the dark.
Jonathan braucht noch ca. 15 Stunden Nachtfahrt, bevor er seine Fahrprüfung machen kann.  Er hat uns im Dunkeln nach Hause gefahren.


  1. Hello Eva, What a lovely visit with family! And you've had nice driving weather. Jonathan is doing very well!

    1. Yes, it was good to see all of them. We had never seen the house of Peter's sister before, at least not this one. We were lucky with the weather. There was a heavy shower in Ohio, but Peter was driving there because a NYS permit does not allow you to drive in Ohio.

  2. You are brave! lol, I am so nervous when my son drives, although he does a good job. Mine still has a learner's permit as well.

    1. I am only nervous when he starts going too fast. I guess boys tend to do that.


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