Saturday, December 5, 2015

St. Barbara/St. Nicholas/Hl. Barbara und Nikolaus

Did you cut your Barbara's branches?  Did you clean your shoes for St. Nicholas?  We did.  
Barbarazweige geschnitten?  Schuhe für den Nikolaus geputzt?  Wir haben das getan.  

 St. Barbara branches

Cleaning shoes
Schuhe putzen

Putting out some oats for St. Nicholas' horse
Wir stellen Haferflocken für den Schimmel vom Nikolaus raus.

Instagram media by badgerbarre - Tech rehearsal ✅🎄
Tech rehearsal for the Nutcracker
Stellprobe für den Nußknacker


  1. Yes. I was a bit surprised, actually, but rehearsal was outside the library today, just in front, as shown in the photograph. (Though, for some reason, there's no one in the photo. . . wonder where they went.)

    1. This was against Dr. K's orders, didn't you let the teacher know??? Or did you practice underground??? Like moles, so that nobody would see what you were doing and that the actual performance will still be a surprise? Oh well, this is how Miss S. described today's day :))).

  2. I haven't heard of these traditions before. I am going to have to make note of them for next year. God bless you!

    1. These are some of my favorite traditions! I love to see the blooming branches on Christmas. I always use forsythia. And putting your shoe out to receive nuts, a mandarin orange, and sometimes chocolate gold coins is part of St. Nicholas Day for all German children. This also puts "Santa Claus" in the right perspective and gives him back his proper feast day. They also help to add some meaning to Advent and shorten the "long" waiting time (for small children it can be very long).

  3. Ja, wir haben auch Zweige geschnitten. Schuhe putzen und Futter für das Pferdchen gehört hier nicht zu den Traditionen, aber wir haben Grittibänze und Lebkuchen gebacken.

    1. Schade, das macht nämlich auch Spaß. Was sind Grittibänze?

  4. It's very thoughtful to put out oats for St. Nicholas' horse :) We've always put out water for the reindeer :P

    I like how you always put out your St. Barbara's branches. It'll be nice when they bloom :)

    1. I think British children put out carrots for the reindeer . . .

      Some of the forsythia branches outside are blooming because it has been so warm. I hope we will get some cold spell, otherwise nature will not know what to do.

  5. As my family was half-German, we have slightly different traditions; our stockings always went out for St.Nicholas, but not for Christmas. I do not know about St.Barbara's branches; I will look it up! Since I married a Frenchman, we put out shoes for Christmas, and keep the stocking tradition for St.Nick. Love your photos and post; we will take the opportunity to learn more about our German heritage.

    1. That is interesting, so no shoes for St. Nicholas? St. Barbara's branches are so beautiful when they bloom on Christmas. It is a lovely tradition.


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