Monday, December 14, 2015

Nutcracker 2015/Nußknacker 2015: Part/Teil II

Okay, here you go, this is what I found on Flora's and Jonathan's cameras.  These are not terrific videos and I did not film everything.

Hier sieht man nun, was ich auf Floras und Jonathans Fotoapparat gefunden habe.  Das sind qualitativ nicht die besten Videos und ich habe auch nicht alles gefilmt.  

Thursday, last dress rehearsal:
Donnerstag, letzte Generalprobe:

Battle Scene: Mice, Soldiers (Veronika, Miriam), Mouse King, Nutcracker Prince (Jonathan), Clara
Kampfszene: Mäuse, Soldaten (Veronika, Miriam), Nußknacker (Jonathan), Klara

Prince and Clara, Snowflakes
Prinz und Klara, Schneeflocken

Land of Sweets: Jonathan, Charlotte, Miriam
Im Zauberschloß von Zuckerburg: Jonathan, Charlotte, Miriam

Chocolate from Spain: Charlotte
Schokolade aus Spanien: Charlotte

Mother Ginger and her children (Veronika, Miriam)
Mutter Gigoen und die Polichinelles (manchmal auch Mutter Ingwer und ihre Kinder): Veronika, Miriam

Waltz of the Flowers: Charlotte (Jonathan)
Blumenwalzer: Charlotte (Jonathan)

Waltz of the Flowers: Charlotte (Jonathan)
Blumenwalzer: Charlotte (Jonathan)

Sugar Plum Fairy: Our ballet teacher
Zuckerfee: Unsere Ballettlehrerin



Jonathan and his partner are practicing their part one more time.
Jonathan und seine Partnerin üben ihren Teil nochmals.  

Friday: I already posted all my pictures in an earlier entry.
Freitag: Alle meine Fotos davon sind schon hier auf dem Blog unter einem früheren Eintrag.  


Flowers from the opening night
Blumen von der ersten Aufführung

 Driving through pretty country side
Fahrt durch schöne Landschaft

 Taking Flora to the library because the doors to the auditorium were still closed.  This is the children's section.
Ich gehe mit Flora in die Bücherei, weil man noch nicht ins Theater kann.  Hier ist die Kinderbuchabteilung.

 This is such a gorgeous building with handcarved wood done by Swiss artists!
Dieses Gebäude ist wirklich wunderschön.  Viele Schnitzereien sind von Schweizer Künstlern angefertigt worden.

 Another view of the children's section
Noch ein Blick auf die Kinderbuchabteilung

 Flora is playing with our ballet teacher's son, who also needed to be occupied.
Flora spielt mit dem Sohn unserer Ballettlehrerin, der auch beschäftigt werden mußte.  

 After the show: Charlotte
Nach der Aufführung: Charlotte

 Veronika and Miriam
Veronika und Miriam



 Veronika and Miriam
Veronika und Miriam

 Having a snack after the performance and before church
Hier essen wir ein wenig nach der Vorstellung und vor der Kirche.

 Playing a game
Wir spielen ein Spiel.

 This is the same church we went to on Monday for the vigil Mass for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception.
Bei dieser Kirche waren wir schon am Montag zum Fest der Unbefleckten Empfängnis (Vorabendmesse). 


 Grey skies, but very warm
Grauer Himmel, aber sehr warm

 The dancers are arriving.
Die Tänzerrinnen kommen an.

 Sign on the library
Schild an der Bücherei

 Christmas trees!

Walking the streets before the doors open
Ein kleiner Spaziergang vor dem Öffnen der Türen

Photographer pictures:
Bilder des Fotografen:

Miriam and Veronika
Miriam und Veronika

Fighting Jonathan (with his sisters in the background)
Kämpfender Jonathan (mit seinen Schwestern im Hintergrund)

Snowflakes (Charlotte)
Schneeflocken (Charlotte)

Chocolate: Charlotte
Schokolade: Charlotte

Mother Ginger and her children: Miriam and Veronika
Polichinelles: Miriam und Veronika


  1. Thank you for sharing. Boy you must all be tired by now. Hope you are slowly able to catch up x

    1. You are welcome, we did rest on Monday, although Peter and I had to teach on campus.

  2. It's wonderful to look through the dress rehearsal movies. Jonathan almost takes up the whole stage! We love his pantomime. It was superb. Chanda liked that it had some dancing in it, and I loved how he ended it: so strong! The Polichinelles are adorable. I picked out Miriam clearly, but was a little unsure of Veronika . . Which one was she from the right?

    Charlotte is gorgeous as Spanish :) She must have had so much fun dancing it (along with Flowers! Morgana loved dancing Flowers.) Kudos!

    I can listen to the Nutcracker endlessly. The music is so moving and always makes me cry. I'm still waking up with it in my head. This morning I woke to "Snow." Chanda says it's because I'm yearning for it to snow!

    All your other pictures are so lovely . . the beautiful library and beautiful church. What a wonderful weekend you had!

    1. Thank you, Dorina. The stage is really small, not meant for dance performances, but there was no price attached for using the building :). I will let Jonathan know about your kind words. Veronika looks similar to another girl, Jenna. She was the second one from the left in the picture taken by the photographer. She is the last to leave the stage, she is the one who keeps waving at the people while everybody else is already leaving. She was the second to enter the stage at the beginning.

      I will also tell Charlotte that you like her dancing.

      After the rehearsals and performances I kept hearing the music in my head constantly. So I know exactly what you mean.

      Sending you some snow from here; it has been snowing all morning.

  3. (Oh! I forgot to publish before leaving the page!)

    Please tell Miriam and Veronika too! I just watched it again and saw how Veronika switches position there at the end and then waves as she goes off. They were both wonderful :) xoxo

    1. Yes, I will let them know. Miriam also brought the crown for Clara, but it is hard to see.


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