Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Nature Walk/Spaziergang

Canada Geese

Today we had to run some errands in a different village and ended up eating lunch on the terrace of the library there.

Heute mußten wir ein paar Besorgungen in einem anderen Dorf in unserer Gegend erledigen und haben dann unser Mittagessen auf der Terasse der Bücherei dort gegessen.

 Watching a construction site
Beobachten einer Baustelle

 Eating lunch

Afterwards we went along the river for a stroll.
Anschließend haben wir dann noch einen Verdauungsspaziergang am Fluß gemacht.  


  1. It looks like a nice terrace :) Is the library just as nice inside? I like seeing the geese, and isn't that a blue heron? It looks like a lovely day. It was very warm here by us, and today is supposed to be even warmer (92!). 92 is my maximum. Anything over will feel too hot for me! Have a good day, Eva.

    1. The library is very old and very beautiful. You can take a "tour" here. 92 that is too much! We were supposed to have temperatures in the high 80s, but that never happened. I am glad. Did you use your air conditioning?

    2. It's very nice to have entire rooms devoted to picture books and large print books! The decor is warm and beautiful. You must really enjoy visiting :)

      Yes! We did put the air conditioning on today. Chanda insisted on it and the other two chimed in. I was out numbered. It's off now, though, and there is a nice breeze. I'm glad it was cooler by you.

    3. This library is a treasure trove. It has all these old books that nobody has anymore. You can easily get them through our inter-library loan system, but I love to go there and take a look. When they have there annual book sale, they sometimes sell some of those old ones. There are always good finds. The man who played Rothbart in Swan Lake is the head of the circulation there now :). He used to work for our college library, but now works there. His wife was one of Peter's students and her parents live just down the hill.

      Was it very loud? Jonathan loves to turn on fans when it gets hot, but even those make a very loud sound. We had a perfect summer day today.

  2. Replies
    1. Leider einer der giftigsten im ganze Staat New York. Im Boden sind Giftfässer vergraben, die bisher noch nicht beseitigt werden konnten, weil das zu teuer wäre. Es besteht Gefahr, daß der Fluß verseucht wird, und so wird das Wasser regelmäßig getestet.

    2. Oje, da macht sich mal wieder bemerkbar, was man so alles nicht sieht auf Fotos. Wie schade für diesen schönen Ort.

    3. Der Ost ist auch sehr hübsch, nicht so runtergekommen wie viele andere hier. Flora und Veronika sind beide dort geboren worden und es gibt dort das einzige Krankenhaus des Landkreises. Vielleicht gibt es irgendwann mal Geld, dort "sauberzumachen".


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