Thursday, June 12, 2014

Art Auction/Bilderversteigerung

Joanthan's painting
Joanthans Bild

Tonight was the art auction/exhibition for Jonathan's art teacher to help her pay for her cancer treatment.  It was very crowded and hot.  We somehow wrote down the times wrong and got their later than the official start.  When we got there, there were only five more minutes of bidding left.  Veronika really wanted to bid on a horse painting.  She had seen it when we went to take Jonathan's painting there to have it hung with the others.  She placed her bit and won!  She was very happy.  Jonathan's painting also got sold.  So now he can say he sold his first painting.  I could not take so many pictures of the event because all paintings had name tags (and I want to protect the privacy of the artists).  So here are a few general shots, not the best ones, but at least a few.

Heute abend war die Kunstausstellung mit Versteigerung für Jonathans Kunstlehrerin, um sie finanziell bei ihrer Krebsbehandlung zu unterstützen.  Es war so voll und auch sehr heiß.  Irgendwie haben wir die falschen Zeiten aufgeschrieben, weil wir zu spät kamen.  Wir hatten nur noch fünf Minuten Zeit, bei der Versteigerung mitzumachen.  Veronika wollte sich unbedingt ein Pferdebild ersteigern.  Sie hatte es schon gesehen, als wir Jonathans Bild abgegeben haben, und die Bilder gerade aufgehängt wurden.  Innerhalb dieser letzten fünf Minuten hat sie es tatsächlich geschafft, "ihr" Bild zu ersteigern.  Sie war sooo glücklich!  Jonathans Bild ist auch verkauft worden.  Jetzt kann er sagen, daß er sein erstes Bild verkauft bzw. versteigert hat.  Ich konnte nicht so viele Fotos von der Ausstellung machen, weil überall die Namen der Künstler standen und ich nicht ihre Namen so in die Öffentlichkeit stellen wollte.  Daher hier nur ein paar allgemeine Fotos, die nicht so toll geworden sind, doch einen kleinen Eindruck liefern.    



 Veronika picking up her slip of paper that told her that she had won.
Veronika holt ihre Bestätigung ab, daß sie gewonnen hat.

A few of the visitors
Ein paar der Besucher


  1. Congrats to Veronika for winning her bid and to Jonathan for selling his painting. The horses face painting on Miriam's hand is nice . . and Flora's dress is very pretty . . :)

    1. She was grinning so much when she found out! We had told her in advance we probably weren't going to bid on anything because it was too expensive. Then Flora got some of her birthday money and gave it to Veronika. She is convinced that her money enabled Veronika to get the painting :).

      I love that dress. I found it last year in a consignment shop. We didn't need another dress -- we have so many dresses after having so many girls --, but I simply had to get that one.

      I should really work on updating my wardrobe. Many pieces don't fit anymore (sigh), others are simply old and out-of-date or worn out. There are no good places to go shopping around here and the children always need new things since they are still growing. And I always get unhappy about my "womanly" figure when I try things on so that I don't even feel like looking for something new. The things I like don't look good on me anymore. So my wardrobe is pretty sad I have to say. Do you buy yourself new clothes frequently?

    2. I have to laugh about the "womanly" figure thing . . I feel the same way and really don't enjoy shopping anymore. I only buy clothes for myself these days out of necessity . . such as when my jeans were falling apart and had a hole in the side . . it finally got me into the store for a new pair of pants. I've actually gotten rid of a lot of old clothes. I tease Greg because he has more shirts and pants in the closet than I!

      I loved buying dresses for the girls!! I would shop on Etsy!!

    3. Ever since stopping nursing Flora several years ago, I look much more middle-aged. I guess that is just the way things go. I do look more like an autumn woman than a spring maiden, but I guess now it is time for my daughters to become spring maidens. There is a time for everything.

      Oh, Peter also has much more than I do, some of my older clothes Charlotte can wear now, but not many. She is still much shorter (and thinner) than I am. I only have one pair of jeans, but I don't like jeans anymore. I don't like tight clothing at all anymore. I simply don't like to feel "confined". I wear my jeans for the yard or on nature walks, but I prefer other pants/skirts more.

      We have some good consignment stores in the area, not close, but still not too far. I also like Ebay or the sales at Hanna Andersson. Gymboree used to be good, but Charlotte has outgrown them. Actually, it is much easier to find good things for Jonathan than for the the girls. The quality is also better for boys than girls. Strange, isn't it? I have never looked for children's clothes on Etsy, but I do use Ebay a lot.

  2. Eine schöne und berührende Aktion, das bedeutet bestimmt viel für die Kunstlehrerin. Ich hoffe, sie kann sich bald von der Erkrankung erholen. Fein, dass Veronika ihr Wunschbild ergattern konnte!

    1. Sie hat eine Dankrede gehalten und konnte vor Dankbarkeit kaum sprechen. Ihr Sohn (Foto) und ihre Tochter, ihr Mann, der am College Kunst unterrichtet und andere Familienangehörigen waren auch dabei. Es war gleichzeitig ein Dorf Ereignis. Man hat viele bekannte Gesichter gesehen. Die Lehrerin bekommt im Moment Chemo und muß dann operiert werden. Es ist noch ein langer Behandlungsweg und der Ausgang ist ungewiß.


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