about bees, hedgehogs, lady bugs, and butterflies. The letter writing was a good oppertunity to review German spelling and puntuation, including the German relative clause.
In the afternoon, Jonathan had a baseball game and we all went to watch. It was quite hot and humid. Jonathan was his team's leadoff batter; he got up once and hit the ball well, but right back at the pitcher, who threw him out. (That's what my husband says, anyway--I don't understand it at all! Remember, I grew up in Germany, where nobody plays baseball!). They couldn't finish the game, though, because of a thunderstorm. We barely made it home in time to bring in the laundry that was drying outside. Charlotte, Miriam, and Veronika found a little friend among the spectators at the game, and I talked to an acquaintance whose son was on the opposite team and caught up on all the village gossip and news.
Heute morgen haben Jonathan und Charlotte lange Briefe an eine liebe Verwandte aus Deutschland geschrieben, die ihnen und ihren Geschwistern ein dickes Bücherpaket geschickt hatte. Unter den neuen Büchern gefielen allen besonders die Naturwissen kompakt Bücher über Bienen, Igel, Marienkäfer und Schmetterlinge. Das Verfassen der Briefe war ein guter Anlaß, deutsche Rechtschreibung und Zeichensetzung zu wiederholen, besonders Relativsätze.
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