Wednesday, April 11, 2018


Today, we did some neat projects!  Veronika formed a volcano because she is doing her mineralogy/geology main lesson block right now.  It has to dry now and then she will paint it.  Later we will make it erupt!

Heute haben wir ein paar schicke Projekte gemacht.  Veronika macht im Moment eine Mineralogie/Geologieepoche und dafür hat sie einen Vulkan aus Ton gemacht.  Der muß jetzt trocknen, dann malt sie ihn an, und danach lassen wir ihn ausbrechen!

For art, we made some "Giacometti figures," that look quite funny. 
Als Kunstprojekt gab es "Giacomettifiguren", die ganz lustig geworden sind.

Charlotte practiced for the "Peter and the Wolf" ballet performance in June and Jonathan practiced for his ballet performance of the "Trojan Women."  He showed us videos of some of the rehearsals and it looks quite interesting.  It reminded me of Spartacus, a ballet I saw in Bonn, Germany, and which I liked a lot.  We will try to go to one of his performances later this month.

Charlotte hatte Proben für das Ballett "Peter und der Wolf" und Jonathan für die "Trojanischen Frauen".  Sein Ballett wird Ende April aufgeführt und wir wollen ihn dafür besuchen.  Jonathan hat uns ein Video von den Proben gezeigt und es sah sehr interessant aus.  Es hat mich an das Spartakus Ballet erinnert, das ich vor Jahren mal in Bonn gesehen habe und das mir sehr gut gefallen hat. 

My students wrote short skits in groups of three or four: They had to write a dialog between Sigmund Freud and a patient about interpretations of dreams.  We are studying Austria right now, including famous Austrians, so this was part of those studies.  They had a lot of fun and we got very interesting dream interpretations :).

Meine Studenten mußten heute in Dreier- oder Vierergruppen Dialoge zwischen einem Patienten und Sigmund Freud schreiben.  Es sollte um Traumdeutung gehen.  Wir machen im Moment eine Einheit über Österreich und berühmte Österreicher, so daß diese Aufgabe zum Thema paßte.  Sie haben viel Spaß gehabt und es gab interessante Traumdeutungen zu hören.  

So I have to say that we were all quite creative today.  I am not sure about Peter, but he had to drive ballet girls, so maybe that counts too :).

Also waren wir heute alle recht kreativ.  Ich weiß nicht, ob Peter kreativ war, aber vielleicht zählt das Hin- und Herfahren von Ballettmädchen auch dazu.  


  1. Ben had fun making a volcano many years ago and I love the wire figures they are very impressive!

    1. Jonathan and Charlotte made a volcano too and loved it. These figures were quite easy to make and are just so cute! Peter took one to his office.

  2. I've heard that Spartacus is a great ballet and I haven't seen it! How wonderful that you did. Maybe I can find a video one day. Their ballet projects sound like fun, and the Giacometti figures look like they were fun to make! And we always enjoyed the volcanoes :)

    1. It is wonderful! I a saw it put on stage by Youri Vamos. He was wonderful. He would have those free informational mornings where you could here him talk about his choreography and why he had his dancers do certain steps, etc. He always had dancers on stage to show what he meant. Veronika painter her volcano yesterday. Now it has to dry. We might put some varnish on it before we let it explodde. Those Giacometti figures were fun to make. Flora asked for a book about him and I got her one at the library.


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