Sunday, March 18, 2018

Sunday Walk/Sonntagsspaziergang

The children "borrowed" my camera to take ballet photos, so I did not get a chance to take many new photos.  What have we been doing?  There was regular schoolwork and also the musical Oklahoma!, Peter, Charlotte, Miriam, and Veronika went to.  The voice majors and choir members of our college performed it.  And today, we went for a walk because the sun was out, which is a rare occurrence these days.  We also had our first rehearsal for the ballet "Peter and the Wolf." 

Die Kinder haben meinen Fotoapparat für Ballettfotos ausgeliehen, daher konnte ich in letzter Zeit nicht viele Fotos machen  Was haben wir so gemacht?   Unsere normale Schularbeit natürlich und dann am Samstag gab es das Musical Oklahoma!, bei dem Peter mit Charlotte, Miriam und Veronika waren.  Es war eine Aufführung der Gesangstudenten und des Chores.  Es gab auch die ersten Proben des Balletts "Peter und der Wolf".    

 First crocus
Erster Krokus


  1. Sweet photos and spring is trying its best!

  2. P.S. How did they like Oklahoma? It was my sister's HS play. I remember liking everything except the parts dealing with the character Jud. I was pretty little at the time.

    These pics with Miriam and Flora are so sweet!

    1. They liked it, especially the girls, Peter thought it was good, but too long. One of my German students had the main male singing part. He did very well according to their reports :).

      Miriam took those pictures with my camera :).


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