Monday, March 5, 2018

Handwork and Literature Week/Handarbeits- und Literaturwoche


Because Jonathan is home, we are "only" doing handwork and are reading literature this week.  Veronika just finished this critter.

Weil Jonathan diese Woche zu Hause ist, machen wir "nur" Handarbeiten und Lektüre.  Veronika hat heute dieses Wesen fertig gemacht.




  1. The critter is adorable :)

    I listened to some of the Great Gatsby discussion on Center for Lit.

  2. Thanks, she also made a mouse I have to take a picture of.

    Wonderful! Charlotte just finished her class on that. By the way, thanks so much for watching "Great Expectations" with Charlotte, she was very happy to get to see the movie.

  3. Hello Eva,

    I'm glad Charlotte enjoyed seeing the movie with me. I thought they did a good job with it, and I enjoyed seeing it again with her. Chanda and I still haven't watched "A Tale of Two Cities." There are three versions: 1936, 1958 and 1980. I don't see them in my library, but I think I can get them on Amazon. Do you think you'll read this? It was one of my favorites!

    1. I have not thought about "A Tale of Two Cities," but maybe once Charlotte is done with her Center for Lit class we can start reading it. I normally like the older films better because there is more acting and less emphasis on effects. Our library has one film version by James Wilby, one by Russell Thornton, one by Roy Roberts, one by David Selznick, one in a collection of films with Gregory Peck, and one from 1953. That is the only one with a date, I could not find the dates you mentioned with the other ones. I wonder if any are the same as the ones you mentioned.

    2. The David Selznick produced movie is the earliest one done in 1935/6, starring Ronald Colman. I'm not sure about any of the other versions in your library! I think they are all different from the ones I saw online. So many!

    3. There seem to be too many, maybe I can find reviews somewhere.


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