Tuesday, December 27, 2016


  • Peter cleaned up the garage so that the car can go in when the big snows come.
  • Peter hat die Garage aufgeräumt, damit man das Auto da parken kann, wenn die größten Schneefälle kommen.
  • I mailed several Christmas packages and went to the library with Flora and Veronika.
  • Ich habe einige Weihnachtspäckchen mit Flora und Veronika weggeschickt und bin mit ihnen in die Bücherei gegangen. 
  • Charlotte and Miriam went for a walk.
  • Charlotte und Miriam sind spazieren gegangen.   
  • I translated our annual Christmas letter into German.  Now it is ready to go out. 
  • Ich habe unseren alljährlichen Rundbrief ins Deutsche übersetzt.  Jetzt kann er weggeschickt werden. 
  • Peter cleaned out his closet, getting rid of a lot of clothes. 
  • Peter hat seinen Kleiderschrank durchgesehen und viele Kleider aussortiert.
  • Charlotte cleaned out her closet, getting rid of a lot of clothes.
  • Charlotte hat auch ihren Kleiderschrank durchgesehen und viele Kleider aussortiert.
  • Jonathan is working on essays for college applications.
  • Jonathan schreibt fleißig Aufsätze für seine Collegebewerbungen.
  • Miriam received the latest issue of "Vorhang Auf," a German magazine. This issue features children from all over the world.  Miriam is the featured child from the U.S.  She was very pleased with the pages about her. 
  • Miriam hat die neueste Ausgabe von "Vorhang Auf" bekommen.  Diese Ausgabe stellt Kinder aus der ganzen Welt vor.  Miriam ist das amerikanische Kind.  Sie war sehr zufrieden mit den beiden Seiten über sich.  
  • I have noticed that more and more people stop blogging.  Kind of sad.  I removed some old links on my blog, they were not working anymore.  But maybe it does not matter, if people do not read blogs anymore.  Maybe it is time to stop blogging.  
  • Ich habe bemerkt, daß es kaum noch Leute gibt, die bloggen.  Sehr traurig.  Ich habe alte Links auf meinem Blog beseitigt, weil sie nicht mehr funktionieren.  Aber vielleicht ist das eigentlich egal, wenn niemand mehr Blogs liest.  Vielleicht ist es an der Zeit, mit dem Bloggen aufzuhören.    


  1. Lustig, Sandro hat auch heute seine Kleider aussortiert. Da hat sich mit der Zeit ganz schön viel angesammelt...
    Ja, das mit dem "Blogsterben" habe ich auch bemerkt. Es ist schade. Viele Blogs, die ich früher fast täglich besucht habe, gibt es nicht mehr oder sie werden nicht weitergeführt oder nur noch so selten, dass ich sie inzwischen vergesse. Es scheint vielleicht ein bisschen "aus der Mode" zu geraten, oder das Bloggen wird von den anderen sozialen Medien wie Facebook und Instagram verdrängt. Früher wurde auch die Kommentarfunktion fleißiger genutzt, so scheint es mir (vielleicht sind meine Beiträge aber auch weniger interessant als früher, das kann auch sein).

    1. Sie sind ja ungefähr gleich alt, vielleicht haben sie beide die gleiche Idee bekommen?!

      Ja, viele Leute bloggen nicht mehr, ich glaube, zumindest hier, hat Instagram viele Blogger abtrünnig gemacht. Da muß man nicht mehr viel schreiben, nur Fotos hochladen. Bloggen ist was für ältere Frauen, sagt man hier :). Facebook ist hier gar nicht mehr so in, besonders nicht bei ganz jungen Leuten.

      Wenn man so gar keine Kommentare bekommt, dann fragt man sich, ob überhaupt noch jemand mitliest, nicht wahr? Ich weiß aber auch, daß ich viel weniger Zeit als früher habe, vielleicht spielt das bei vielen Bloggern und Lesern auch eine Rolle? Viele online Foren für Homeschoolers, wo ich mitgemacht habe, sind auch gestorben. Das lag aber an kleinen Streitereien. Oder vielleicht ist es einfacher zu bloggen, wenn Kinder klein sind? Wenn sie größer werden, kann man ja nicht mehr einfach so über sie schreiben, da haben sie ja auch ein Mitspracherecht.

      Veilleicht sind wir die letzten Überlebenden? :).

  2. i love blogging!

    i'm impressed with all the work you have done. kudos to all of you! and your christmas letter is finished early this year! yes? could you send miriam's pages to us? i'd love to read what they printed in the magazine about her. that's very exciting!

    between christmas day and new year's day is really a favorite time of year for me.

    please tell charlotte and jonathan that their letter came a few days ago and it was so nice to read. i'm so glad they enjoyed the ballet. the nutcracker is a magical show.

    happy twelve days of christmas, eva. xoxo

    1. Well, many moons ago, our letters were done BEFORE Christmas and we also sent them at the beginning of December, not anymore, though. So I would not call that early, but we have had quite a few late years recently. I am not sure if we are earlier than last year this year.

      I will try to scan those pages and e-mail them to you. They turned out so nice! Maybe Morgana can translate them for you.

      I am glad that the letter came. We will mail two packages to you tomorrow. They will probably arrive next week.

      I am glad to have you as a blogging friend. When going through some of my contacts and blogs I used to follow, I noticed so many blogs that have not posted in several years. People seem to migrate to Instagram or just stop. There used to be so much homeschool exchange, but not so much anymore. Quite a few lists/forums have also died or are not used much anymore. Maybe we are all getting older? Bored? Burned out?

      Happy twelve days of Christmas to you also. Peter sings his song to each child every night before they go to bed. (On the first day of Christmas, my true love . . . .)

    2. How nice that Peter sings to them :) I like the new photos you put up. I think people get bored and have a difficult time maintaining a steady writing rhythm. The blog is a modern journal for me. I just looked up our past New Year's celebrations. Morgana and I couldn't remember when we last spent it with my mom and dad at their home on Montauk. It was really nice to go back and see the photos and read what we had done. I hope our blogs never get lost in cyberspace! However, if they do . . . well . . c'est la vie! (I think it's too much to back up on another hard drive . . besides, even written journals can get lost.) Greg does like to say that the data centers that store all the photos and information people put online will take over the world one day. He says just the air conditioners alone that have to keep the centers cool will take over . .

    3. Thanks, Dorina. I thought it was time to update the photos, although it is also kind of sad to take the older pictures down. Then I realize how fast time flies. Blogger used to offer an option to print out your blog and have it bound into a book. I don't know if they still do. I also like to go back and check what we did in previous years. Sometimes it is very helpful when I try to remember a certain book or resource. I hope not that machines and data centers will take over the world. That would be awful.

  3. Das hab ich auch schon bemerkt, dass viele nicht mehr bloggen. Es wäre jedoch schade, wenn du aufhören würdest. Und ich will mir auch mehr Mühe geben :)

    1. Ja, nicht wahr? Eigentlich schade, daß es nicht mehr so viele Blogger gibt. Aber vielleicht ist es einfach ein alter Hut und ist zur Routine geworden. Ich glaube, meine Eltern wären sehr traurig, wenn ich nicht mehr schreiben würde. Sehen sie uns doch nur alle paar Jahre . . . Du schreibst of mehr als ich, glaube ich :). Irgendwie hat man mit älter werdenen Kindern aber auch weniger Zeit, obwohl ich das nie gedacht hätte.

    2. Stimmt (das mit weniger Zeit wenn die Kinder älter werden), vielleicht auch weil wir dann selber wieder mehr machen? Ich schrieb mal mehr, irgendwie reicht die Zeit jetzt oft nicht mehr. Werde das jetzt in den Ferien ein wenig nachholen.

    3. Vielleicht machen wir mehr oder eher komplexere Dinge? Mit kleinen Kindern konzentriert man sich auf das Wesentliche.

  4. Yes I too have noticed for some time now that blogging is not as popular. From what I have observed "vlogging" via youtube is the thing. I have made connections with a few homeschool folk via you tube but I cannot see me in front of a camera anytime soon! I think other social media platforms have taken over and it is all to easy to swipe a like at a photo and then move on. Writing a blog and then adding comments and responding takes time, but that is how connections and friendships are made :-) I would miss you if you stopped writing the blog. Big hugs San xx

    1. Really, vlogging? I do not know anybody that does vlogging. I do not think that this is not so popular here. At least not among the people I know. I think Instagram has gotten many more users. People do not have so much time to read and write, like many other things in life these days, everything needs to be done quickly. I think my parents would miss this blog because they only get to see us every other year or so and they are getting close to 80 now. So stopping would hurt them, but sometimes I do feel it is more a chore than a joy. I had hoped to stay in contact with my siblings as well this way, but that has not happened. I have almost no contact with them anymore. And the older generation in my extended family does not use computers. So, for now I will keep writing. After all, this is a nice record for my children one day, unless Blogger decides to get rid of everything.

    2. I use Instagram. I have used it for the happiness project, the forty acts in advent and the December Photo Project. It is easy to use as I shoot afrom my phone and upload directly. I do still enjoy making connections and writing the blog, both sets of parents read and appreciate it as does my long standing girlfriend of thirty three years :-). Your blog has not only been a way of joining in with your days I have also gleaned information and we have had many a middle of the night conversation too! With love and gratitude for your friendship San xx

    3. I meant to type, "I do not think that this is so popular here."

    4. I guess that makes it really neat to be able to do it so quickly from a phone. But maybe it also gets forgotten more quickly? I am not sure. I am very glad about our conversations and blog contacts. And I do love to read what you are doing and how you are feeling. I have a distant cousin who reads my blog, she was born on the same day as I was and in the same year :). She lives in Bavaria. That is similar to you faithful girl-friend. Love to you all!

  5. I wish I could think of something to blog about! I use Facebook mostly, and Pinterest. I'm glad we can still keep in touch here. It's been lovely following your family all these years. If you ever go onto Facebook I'd love to add you as a friend. I am a member of history and art FB groups, so repost a lot of that and a little about myself.

    1. I do not use Facebook and I tried Pinterest once, but I thought it was overwhelming. I have had other people ask about my presence on Facebook, but somehow I think my blog is enough. I would not have the time to contribute there. Thanks for your invitation, though. And I am glad when you post a few things on your blog once in a while :).

  6. I find Facebook and Pinterest extremely overwhelming! It's just too much information in small spurts. One of the reasons I still enjoy reading the New Yorker magazine is that they still have lengthy articles from which you can begin to understand situations and stories. I've noticed that the National Geographic articles have become shorter and National Geographic Traveler no longer includes as many maps as they used to. That had been a highlight for me. People these days seem to enjoy little bits of information, but I find it difficult to retain so many seemingly disparate tidbits.

    1. That is exactly like how many more modern children's books are, especially non-fiction. I try to avoid those. I do not think you learn a lot this way and you do not learn to concentrate on something for a longer time. Many of my German students struggle with this, I think. Their attention span and ability to concentrate is extremely short.

    2. Morgana said she noticed this when helping her modern dance teacher with the teacher's new five year old students. For years Ellen has been saying that children's attention spans have been diminishing. I thought it was interesting (and sad) that Morgana noticed it too.

    3. Yes, there is a big difference between our children and the new generation! It must be eye-opening for Morgana to appreciate that she grew up differently.


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