Monday, February 1, 2016

New Blanket/Neue Decke

What a surprise Flora found in the mail today:
Was für eine Überraschung hat Flora heute mit der Post bekommen:

Now she will be able to use the napkin as napkin (and she did tonight).  She was so happy about her new blanket that she "wrote" a thank-you note to Morgana right away and mailed it this afternoon :).

Jetzt kann sie ihre Serviette als Serviette benutzen (was sie dann heute abend auch gemacht hat).  Sie was so glücklich über ihre neue Decke, daß sie sofort einen Bedankmichbrief an Morgana "geschrieben" hat und ihn auch heute nachmittag noch weggeschickt hat :).  

Veronika finished her map of Scandinavia and copied a text about Yggdrasil.

Veronika hat ihre Landkarte von Skandinavien zu Ende gemalt und einen Text über Yggdrasil abgeschrieben.  

Flora is feeling better, but Miriam did not feel well today.  This winter has been really hard for us when you count all the illnesses we have had.

Flora geht es besser, aber dafür fühlt sich Miriam heute nicht gut.  Dieser Winter hat es wirklich gesundheitlich in sich.  

Jonathan had an American constitution exam today on campus.  He thought it went well.  Right now he is discussing The Great Gatsby with his literature class online.

Jonathan hatte heute seine erste Klausur über die amerikanische Verfassung.  Er denkt, daß es gut geklappt hat.  Im Moment nimmt er an einer online Diskussion über das Buch Der große Gatsby teil.  
A handwork picture from tonight: Veronika is crocheting a snail for her pillow and Flora is knitting a lamb.

Hier noch ein Foto vom Handarbeiten heute abend: Veronika häkelt eine Schnecke für ein Kissen und Flora strickt ein Lamm.  

And there was enough snow for a snowwoman a few days ago.
Und vor ein paar Tagen gab es genug Schnee für eine Schneefrau.  

Oh, and I baked oat energy bars today before running off to teach my German class.

Und für heute nachmittage habe ich Haferenergieriegel gebacken, bevor ich mein Deutschseminar abhalten mußte.  


  1. Happy Candlemas Day! Flora looks delighted with her gift and rightly so xx

    1. Same to you! We wanted to go to church to have candles blessed, but our pastor is on vacation! He should have chosen a different day, very disappointing. Flora took her doll plus blanket along to the grocery store today. This was the perfect gift for her.

  2. Hello! We're so glad Flora likes her blanket! It fits perfectly over her doll :) Even though you've had so much illness, your winter days feel very cozy. Veronika's map and writing are beautiful, your oat energy bars look yummy, and I hope Miriam feels better soon (have you ever done garlic tea with lemon? Boil a few cloves of garlic in water for about 15 minutes, strain into a mug and add a slice of lemon. I used to drink this when I would get mastitis and would make it for the girls whenever they were feeling flu-ish).

    1. Today her fox was the one who was wrapped into the blanket and taken to her ballet class. We have not tried garlic, but I have done hot lemon. I think right now it is Miriam's nose that is really bad. I tried to call the doctor today, but the phone was busy. I did not try again, but played around with steam inhalations, nebulizer, echinacea, some nasal sprays, etc. But if it stays the way it is, I am afraid she has a sinus infection now. Maybe the cough just went up? Jonathan is having similar problems, but he felt well enough to go to his American government class.

    2. Maybe cut back on dairy a little bit too. I hope things clear up soon :) xoxo

    3. Still struggling here and still taking some kind of medication. Same with Jonathan and now Peter is not feeling well (but I think for him it was the rapid change of temperatures that caused his cold).


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