Sunday, March 2, 2014

Moving . . .

. . . the furniture out.  Our next week will be very interesting.  We will get our hardwood floor refinished.  We have really old carpeting in the the living-room and dining-room area, but underneath is an oak wood floor.  So this week we will have the carpet removed and the floors finished.  They will also do the kitchen.  We had to move not only all the furniture and BOOKS out the living area, but also disconnect the gas stove and move it and the fridge into the "laundry room" (which is part of the garage).  Without the help of three strong men from church we would have not managed to do this.  Now we have to cook on a double table top burner.  The children are not very familiar with electric burners: Flora asked Peter if it was really getting hot when he boiled himself some water for a cup of tea.  She didn't see the fire and was very perplexed. by this new way of cooking.  

Nein, wir nicht, aber die Möbel.  Nächste Woche wird sehr interessant werden.  Wir bekommen einen "neuen" Fußboden!!  Der Teppich im Wohnzimmer und der Eßecke ist sehr alt und gar nicht mehr schön, aber unten drunter ist ein Eichenholzfußboden.  Der wird dann freigelegt und wieder schön gemacht werden.  Sie werden auch den Fußboden in der Küche neu machen.  So müssen wir nicht nur alle Möbel und BÜCHER auslagern, sondern auch den Kühlschrank und den Gasherd beseitigen.  Dafür haben wir die Hilfe von drei starken Männern aus der Kirche gehabt.  Ohne die wäre das nicht so einfach gewesen!!  Ich hätte bestimmt nicht einen Herd in die Garage tragen können.  Jetzt müssen wir uns mit zwei Kochplatten behelfen.  Die Kinder kennen eigentlich keine Elektroherde; Flora hat Peter beim Kochen von Teewasser interessiert zugeschaut und immer wieder gefragt, ob das Wasser denn auch heiß werden würden.  Man könne ja kein Feuer sehen.   


  1. Dear Eva and family, Oh my! That looks so hard! One room was a lot of work for us to clear out two weeks ago-- but the whole house including appliances is mammoth!!! We keep you in our prayers that the work goes well and quickly. Living and cooking in flux can be so challenging. Maybe the kids will feel like they are camping!:) The floors sound beautiful! They will be so enjoyable and easy to clean when it's done. Love, Barbara

    1. Oh, it is just the downstairs, but not the master bedroom, so it is not too bad. The only problem is that we cannot cook so well. Today we ate at the grocery store. They have a wonderful hot food bar. Our poor cat does not know what is going on. He is very miserable, but the others think it is kind of exiting. I do hope that it will be only a week and not more.

  2. Liebe Flora, in der Schweiz kochen die meisten Leute auf einem Elektroherd. Ich hatte als Kind sogar Angst vor Gaskochern, wenn ich mal einen zu Gesicht bekam, ich dachte der könne explodieren. Grins, wie unterschiedlich doch die Gewohnheiten und Vorstellungen sind. Schön so, da gibt es Abwechslung.

  3. What an endeavor! I wish you all the best during this stressful time. I hope everything gets done quickly and without too many problems. Living without a functioning kitchen is probably the hardest. I hope your church friends spoil you with meals. God Bless.

    1. Thanks, Tina Marie. It is kind of loud and dusty, so it is good we escaped today to Lowe's. Tomorrow is co-op, so we will be gone half of the day. Yes, the kitchen is the biggest problem, but it is also like a big adventure. Tomorrow I will cook my first two burner tabletop stove meal. We will see how that goes. Most people are on vacation right now, it is spring break here, so we don't have people to cook for us. We'll manage, though.

  4. Liebe C., ich habe Deine Antwort mit Mama gelesen und konnte mir gar nicht vorstellen, daß man Angst vor einem Gasherd haben kann. Mama hat mir erzählt, daß der Waldorfkindergarten, in dem sie früher gearbeitet hat, auch einen Gasherd hatte, damit die Kinder sehen konnten, daß das Feuer Wärme macht. Sie hatte damals auch Angst davor, doch hat schnell gelernt, damit umzugehen. Jetzt mag sie gar keine Elektroherde mehr. Mit Gas kann man viel besser kochen.

  5. Yes, I pray that all goes quickly too! Good luck with your two burner meal. It's like a camping adventure, but at least you still have heat and warm beds. We once camped out at Yellowstone Park and it was freezing! We could have used warmer sleeping bags :)

    1. I already thought of the heat, the water, and the beds when thinking of the pioneers. Our life is fairly easy compared to them. Today a friend brought by a big pot of soup. Very yummy and I only had to reheat it. Cooking with only two burners for seven people is a bit tricky. By the way, has your oven ever gotten fixed again?

    2. Yes, Greg fixed the oven. We were both so pleased with his success :)

      You must be a very talented two burner cooker by now!

    3. Good for him!! It must be nice to have a working oven again. I really miss mine. Our meals are quite simple these days and require some planning because only one burner is for cooking, the other is more for simmering or warming food. So I have to plan what needs to cook and what to simmer and in what order.


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