Thursday, March 20, 2014

First Day of Spring/Frühlingsanfang

It is snowing here, but at least Google is all springy.  Es schneit hier, aber wenigstens gibt es bei Google Frühling.  


  1. Oh too funny Eva!! Happy Spring! It is warmer here, and I'll tell it to hurry to you . .

    1. I saw your planting pictures. Nothing like that here, but it will come. And now with your support it might come more quickly.

  2. It is raining here!!!

    Pip came home from school sick and has been on the sofa with a bucket beside her! I think she is now turning a corner though.

    Love to you

    San xx

    1. Oh no, she has been sick a lot recently, hasn't she? I hope it will pass quickly. Have a blessed Sunday!

  3. Happy Spring! Hier soll es dieses Wochende auch schneien :o

  4. Komisch, Peter hat neulich eine Email aus Bern bekommen und der Mann hat gesagt, es seie dort sehr sommerlich. Peter kommt im Sommer wahrscheinlich wieder in die Schweiz, nach Neuchatel (kann den Akzent nicht finden).


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