Sunday, March 25, 2012

Good-bye, Church of Saint Mark!/Auf Wiedersehen, St. Markus Kirche!

Altar of Reposition 2011, Holy Thursday, at St. Mark's Church/Repositionsaltar Gründonnerstag 2011in der St. Markus Kirche

Now it's over. Our church is an oratory and we will have to join another parish, probably the one we attend on Tuesday mornings.  We had a wonderful homily today, many tears, and all the favorite songs of the congregation.  There were coffee and doughnuts afterwards and lots of good-bye hugs.  Some of the other parishioners will go with us to the new church, others will try different churches.  There will not be a farewell Mass with the bishop anymore. 

After the record high temperatures we will get frost again.  I'm afraid our magnolia tree, which was ready to bloom, won't get a chance this year.  What a pity!  The new kitchen pipes are not leaking!  I suggested that Peter should become a plumber, they probably make more money than we do.

Have a wonderful new week!

Das war's.  Unsere Kirche ist jetzt ein Oratorium und wir müssen einer anderen Kirche beitreten.  Wir werden wahrscheinlich uns unserer Dienstagkirche anschließen, die im Nachbarort ist.  Wir hatten eine wunderbare Predigt heute, viele Tränen, und alle beliebten Lieder der Gemeinde.  Anschließend gab es Kaffee und Kuchen mit Abschiednehmen.  Einige Gemeindemitglieder wollen mit uns gehen, andere werden andere Kirchen ausprobieren.  Es wird keine Abschiedsmesse mit dem Bischof mehr geben. 

Nach den Rekordtemperaturen wird es wieder Nachtfrost geben.  Ich befürchte, daß unsere Magnolie, die gerade aufgehen wollte, dieses Jahr keine Gelegenheit dazu finden wird.  Wie schade!  Die neuen Küchenrohre tropfen nicht.  Ich habe Peter vorgeschlagen, daß er doch Klempner werden sollte, da würde er bestimmt mehr verdienen. 

Einen guten Wochenbeginn wünscht allen 


  1. i'm sorry about your church. i know you will miss it. i hope your new church will eventually bring you just as much joy and love. i remember changing churches when i was a child. it took awhile for me to grow accustomed to the new church, but i remember many wonderful times there and it did eventually became a special place.

    too funny about peter and the plumbing. it's so true!!! i keep thinking i should have studied dentistry in college :P

    let me know how it goes with your magnolia tree! it'll be interesting to see how it copes . . could you spray it with water? like grandma does in _grandma's garden_, by elaine moore? i always wondered if that would work (she sprays it with the hose before a late frost to protect some buds or fruit that were coming out on a tree in her garden).

    1. I think we will like our new church fine, at least the pastor. The congregation is a little lifeless. They have many more faith formation activities, though, so that is good.

      Dentistry probably always makes money. We just got back from our dentist today, finding out about the cost of braces for Jonathan. It's more than we thought it would be. What did you study in college?

      All the magnolias died. The dentist has the largest tree and his was dead also. We don't have a hose that could spray that far (the magnolia is at the other side of the yard), but I have heard of spraying strawberries when a frost threatens. It was such a sad sight this morning, driving through our little village! I saw your magnolia pictures, so pretty. I don't know "Grandma's Garden." Is it a picture book?


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